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Year 5 Staff - Mrs Tarbuck, Miss Galal, Miss Holley and Ms Begum.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 5 Staff - Mrs Tarbuck, Miss Galal, Miss Holley and Ms Begum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 5 Staff - Mrs Tarbuck, Miss Galal, Miss Holley and Ms Begum.
Meet the Teacher Year 5 Staff - Mrs Tarbuck, Miss Galal, Miss Holley and Ms Begum.

2 Our class timetable is...

3 Things to know Homework is set on Friday, and to be brought back on Monday (unless instructed otherwise). Spelling will be handed out on a Monday, and tested the following Monday. Reading every night, and logging their reading into their reading record. PE days are Monday and Friday, please bring in PE kit on a Monday and then leave until Friday as this means children will always be prepared. Year group specific - swimming on Friday, full kit needed.

4 Standards - non negotiables
Handwriting Presentation Times tables Word lists - common exception words for Year 5

5 Our year overview english

6 Reciprocal Reading Outline Purpose Teaching through mastery
Whole class - pupil talk approach

7 Our year overview maths

8 Our year overview maths

9 Our awesome curriculum for the year...
Get from team drive awesome curriculum

10 Our year overview english
Get this from team drive awesome curriculum folder

11 Growth Mindset Language used with children, and encouraging
Have a worksheet ready for parents with correct language and the theory.

12 Interventions Any interventions that children will be part of

13 Thank you! All children will receive laminated logins for mathletics and spellodrome.

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