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How To Run Abundant Life Seminars

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1 How To Run Abundant Life Seminars

2 KEY SCRIPTURES  John 10:10  The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.  Eph 4:14  That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;  Heb 5:11  Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.  For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.  Heb 5:14  But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. 

3 FGBMFI Mission Statement
Introduction God is moving FGBMFI-Nigeria to Occupy the Gates of the Nations for Him.It is a Divine call to Make Disciples of ALL Nations, to envision, equip and disciple every FGBMFI member to become a KINGDOM AMBASSADOR. The Abundant Life Seminar (ALS) is a Strategic Gatekeepers Envisioning and Life-Building Meeting designed to grow and equip every FGBMFI member with what he/she needs (Spiritually, Physically and Operationally) to stand as God’s Kingdom Ambassador at the gates. The Seminar fulfils the FGBMFI Mission Statement No. 3: “To help believers to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and to grow spiritually”. The Seminar is a Life Training Discipleship meeting providing opportunity for members to sit together to share the Word of God beyond the limited time frame of the regular chapter meeting.

4 The Seminar Focuses on the following Major Themes:
The Thematic Focus  The Seminar content is a systematic and progressive series of teachings with focus on how to receive and maintain the Abundant Life that the Lord Jesus procured for all men at Calvary and sacrificially engage in practical Kingdom Service. The Seminar Focuses on the following Major Themes: Life Growing the Inner Life. Living Learning and applying Kingdom principles. Lifestyle - Christ like, Spirit Empowered Excellence in Profession/Career/Business Gatekeeping - Using Professional Workshops entailing application of practical kingdom principles in entrenching Kingdom righteousness in the Marketplace.

5 Outline Themes Intensifying the FGBMFI Vision
The thematic focus of this series of teachings is on the Spiritual Roots of FGBMFI Vision, Making the Vision plain, envisioning the men, running with the Vision and Mission of the Fellowship. The New Creation Man Series This series is the main teaching with focus on: What Christ Did for us at the Cross And Our Response (Conviction, Conversion, Conformity to Christ); The New Birth, The Nature, Purpose and Growth of the New Creation Man and Building the Kingdom lifestyle. The New Man and His Home This series focuses on Marriage before the fall; Marriage after the fall; New Testament Marriage. Purpose, Responsibilities, Biblical Pattern of Marriage & Bonding into One Flesh. The New Man and His Business This series is on the New Man’s Purpose in Business. Maximising Business Opportunities as Ministry Platforms in the Marketplace and doing Business in righteousness by the Spirit. The New Man and His Health This series is on maintaining a Prosperous Healthy life. It addresses practical health issues – diet, exercise, preventive measures, gender health, children, aged etc. Prayers, Ministrations and Counselling Empowerment through Ministration of Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Healings; Prayer for Homes, Businesses, Specific Personal Needs etc. as well as Counselling of members.

6 Points To Note Resource Persons Meeting Options
The Seminars are to be held regularly at Chapter, Area, Zonal and District levels and structured as follows: i) Quarterly at weekends (Friday - 6pm to 8pm & Saturday 9am to 2pm) OR ii) Monthly/Quarterly on Saturdays (9am to 2pm) Resource Persons Resource Persons must be practicing disciples of Christ who are members of the fellowship with manifest grace for teaching the undiluted word of God and who live what they teach. Where absolutely necessary, spiritually mature resource persons may be drawn from outside the fellowship. Meeting Participation Open to all members, friends, families within District, Zone & Chapter

7 Monitoring and Reporting
Points to Note…Cont’d Seminar Coordination Coordination of the seminars shall rest upon the District, Zonal and Chapter Discipleship Committees working under the direction of the respective leadership and they shall meet regularly to pray and plan before and after each seminar. The committee shall employ available publicity means (announcements, text, s, fliers etc) to promote the seminars. Resource materials The Resource Material on the New Creation Man Series which is the core session of the seminar shall be made available by the National Committee on Prayer and Discipleship. Other resource materials shall be made available from time to time. Monitoring and Reporting The Discipleship Committee shall collate the meeting report immediately after the Seminar and submit to the District Coordinator and the Chairman, National Committee on Prayer and Discipleship via

The Programme ABUNDANT LIFE SEMINAR PROGRAMME MC: Opening Prayer mins Praise and Worship mins Welcome and Opening Charge mins Teaching 1: mins Question and Answer mins Teaching 2: “The New Creation Man” mins Teaching 3 “ mins 11. Professional Workshop mins 12. Prayer Session mins 13. Announcements mins 14. Closing Prayers mins 15. Anthem For a 2 Day (Weekend) Abundant Life Seminar, two additional talks shall be taken on Friday evening.

9 A Final Word. Spiritual growth leading to effective kingdom service does not happen by accident, it is a product of consistent and systematic transformation through the word of God, prayer and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

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