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Unbelievable Uranus.

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1 Unbelievable Uranus

2 Uranus facts Uranus has an invisible ring. Uranus was discovered by sir William Herschel in It turns on its axis every 17hours 15 minutes. It makes 1 trip around the sun every 84 Earth years. Uranus is often referred as an ice giant. It hits the coldest temperatures of -224.c.

3 Some more great facts about Uranus
It has 2 sets of dark coloured rings. Its moons are named after characters created by William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope. Only one spacecraft has flown near Uranus. Uranus is 50,724km big. Uranus’s wind speed can reach speeds up to 900km an hour. The masses of Uranus is about 14.5x the mass of Earth. A season on Uranus is 42 Earth years.

4 Extra facts It is the second least dense planet . The atmosphere on Uranus has ice . It has 27 moons ! Uranus was the first planet discovered in modern age . It was named from the Greek god of the sky. Uranus was thought to be a star until Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun .Uranus nearly rolls along its orbit . In addition to all the differences in time measurement and size and climate of Uranus .

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