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Designing Lunar Habitats

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1 Designing Lunar Habitats
Linda Wollaber Winfield High School Licensed under CC BY-SA Abstract Engineering Design Products Since water is now confirmed to be at the poles of the moon I want to challenge my 9th graders to think about what could really be in the future of mankind inhabiting the moon. I purposed a project for my students that involves the engineering model design of a moon habitat for astronauts. The model habitat would be self-contained and would host a variety of jobs such as: astronomy-telescopes, hydrolysis of water for rocket fuel, solar panels for energy, designing agricultural crops, lunar research, using robots to build structures and much more. The students will have to research the moon environment, regolith rock, dust problems, radiation, human health problems, gravity differences, energy resources, delivery of supplies, and when considering their habitat design. WV NxGen Standards purpose S.HS.ETS.2 design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering. S.9-10.L.16 conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem and narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. Project Timeline Project Description Assessment of Project Evaluate/Reflect Score Research Phase Design Phase Building a Model Phase PowerPoint Presentation Total Grade on Project 4 Evidence of research thoroughly answering the 19 Key Questions in complete sentences. Changes of improvements from the 1st draft to the final Blueprint which included units of measurements for scaling for the model, structures with labels, and explanations. Model closely resembled blueprints. Structures were labeled. Location site on the moon was identified. Slides were organized. Presenters talked about what they learned instead of reading from the slides. Font was easy to read, and graphics enhanced the information provided. Presentation stayed under 10 minutes. Work cited. 3 Evidence of research in answering the 19 Key Questions in brief sentences. and some one-word answers. Changes of improvements from the 1st draft to the final Blueprint which included units of measurements for scaling for the model, structures with labels, but no. Model sort of resembled blueprints. Structures were labeled. Location site on the moon was identified Slides were organized. Presenters read from the slides. Font was easy to read, and graphics enhanced the information provided. Presentation stayed was either too short under 5 minutes or too long over 10 minutes. Work cited. 2 Little evidence of research answering the 19 Key Questions: mostly one-word answers. Only one blueprint with labs. Model was different than the blueprints in appearance. Structures where labeled Slides were organized. Presenters read from the slides. Font was too small or difficult to read, and no graphics. Work cited. 1 No evidence of research and answers where one word or did not match the question. Only one blue print without labels. Model was different than the blueprints in appearance. None of the structures where labeled. Poor slides, presenters read slides, no graphics nor work cited. The project went well and I was impressed with the students dedication. Although it ended up taking more time than I had anticipated because it was Homecoming Week and we also had an early out one day and a shorten block another day. So two of our 92 minute blocks were cut in half. I surveyed the students by asking their input about the project and it seemed to be a general consciences that they all learned about problem solving, working together, being creative and the moon environment. Acknowledgements ESS Passport Cohort 2 – Dr. Debbie Helmer Winfield High School 3rd Block 9th Grade ESS Students NASA Reference of Lunar Colonization, Human Exploration Project I. Energy and Power © 2009 International Technology Education Association NASA-ITEA Middle School Human Exploration Project I

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