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Cyber Security Gloria Stephenson

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Presentation on theme: "Cyber Security Gloria Stephenson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyber Security Gloria Stephenson
Manager, Cyber Security & LAN Services Patti Dudenhoeffer Cyber Security Analyst Lunch/MOREnet Cyber Security Services Overview, Dr. Gloria Stephenson, Manager, Cyber Security and LAN Services, MOREnet, Patti Dudenhoeffer Cyber Security Analyst, MOREnet Gloria and Patti will provide an overview of the various cyber security services that MOREnet members can take advantage of through the consortium including DDoS, threat monitoring and mitigation, security audits, incident response and technical support, consulting, training, etc.

2 CYBER SECURITY team Gloria Stephenson, Manager
Kathy Bellew, Cyber Security Analyst Luke Polson, Cyber Security Analyst Patti Dudenhoeffer, Cyber Security Analyst – Security Architecture and Threat Mitigation


4 Day-to-day operations
Notifications DMCA Complaints SPAM Attacks Member Support Incident Response Consulting NOTE: These services are provided at no additional cost.

5 Additional Support services
Security Assessments Consortium Discounts PhishMe Secure Ideas NetworkScout Fortinet Security Solutions Technical Training NOTE: Additional requirements and/or costs may be associated with these services.

6 Connection support services
Network Monitoring MRTG Netflow Blackhole DNS GNN (Level I and II) DDoS Mitigation NOTE: These services are provided at no additional cost.

7 Member outreach Weekly MOREnet Cyber Security News Review
Cyber Security Presentations and Training Staff Students General Public Cyber Security Bootcamp Cyber Security Workshops Cyber Security Roadshow Cyber Security Webinars

8 General security resources
20 Critical Security Controls Security Best Practices Passwords Mobile Device Social Media Security Training/Conferences SANS, RSA, InfoSec World,

9 questions

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