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Community/Superintendent Council

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Presentation on theme: "Community/Superintendent Council"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community/Superintendent Council
September 4, 2018

2 Next meeting: November 6, 2018 (Election Day!)
Agenda Welcome and introductions Recap of last meeting Multi-tiered Systems of Support SWOT Analysis Review of CSC Mission What We Have Learned Small group discussion Next steps Adjourn Next meeting: November 6, 2018 (Election Day!)

3 Recap of last meeting Multi-tiered Systems of Support
Tier 1 includes supports for core instruction and Positive Behavior Interventions and supports (PBIS). Student Agency—Middle School Programs Second Step Professional Development for Staff Tier 2 includes supplemental interventions and supports. Scheduled check-ins with students Peer mediation Looking to address restorative practices Tier 3 includes intensive intervention and supports. Review of procedures related to discipline KASP

4 SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses
District support and professional development Student involvement and resolution in all tiers Proactive approach, not reactive Weaknesses Lack of consistency among schools More support for families; communication to families Need to begin interventions earlier Track outcomes

5 SWOT Analysis Opportunities Threats Implement throughout K-8
Support transitions between 5-6 and 8-9 Increased engagement of parents and teachers Increased positive behavioral and academic outcomes for students Threats Lack of parental support/engagement SEL curriculum missing in elementary grades Accuracy and/or lack of data Implementation of supports not consistent or adaptable

6 Mission of CSC

7 Mission of the CSC The Kyrene Community/Superintendent Council is intended to inform and direct the District’s efforts to ensure that all students achieve their maximum potential to become the problem-solvers, creators and visionaries of tomorrow. It will provide valuable feedback to the Superintendent on the District’s development of actionable plans to meet students’ individual needs, remove barriers to services and to create stable learning environments that foster inclusivity and values diversity.

8 Your Feedback

9 What we want We want to ensure that all of our students’ needs—academic, social-emotional, health—are met. We want all of our schools to be diverse. We want students to have access to a variety of experiences so that they are more comfortable with inclusivity. We want our students to be kind and have a passion for learning. We want transparency that translates to action.

10 Topics to address Consistency among schools and grade levels
Professional development for teachers/staff Improved supports for students and families Parental engagement Improved communication with parents/community Address cultural differences Improved data collection/root cause analysis

11 Suggestions on how Create equity teams at each school
Provide students with role models they can emulate Identify and remove barriers to supports and services Engage the students in addressing key issues Include faith based groups Create circles of support for parents/students/families

12 Moving forward We will begin to share what the District is currently doing to address the concerns identified by the CSC. Engage in discussion on how to respond to those areas that are not currently being addressed. The District will be starting the conversation about redesign of our elementary schools, as we have already done with middle schools, with school leaders (Principals and Assistant Principals).

13 Small Group Discussion
As we begin our work on our elementary school design, we are seeking your input on the following areas: Communication (school to parent, school to community, etc…) Programming (i.e. dual language, leadership academies, arts integration, etc…) Discipline SEL support

14 Kyrene School District
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