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The cloud looks ___________.

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Presentation on theme: "The cloud looks ___________."— Presentation transcript:

1 The cloud looks ___________.

2 William Goat was very particular about his _____________.

3 Write a synonym for “marauding”.

4 Write an antonym for “hirsute” and identify its part of speech.

5 Another word for nearsighted is _______________.

6 Write a definition of ‘annihilation’.

7 Overworked and exhausted, the pack mule hoped for a well-deserved ______________.

8 The abusive husband acted with utter ___________________.

9 Write the corresponding vocabulary word.
adj. not possessing; totally lacking; destitute

10 Write a synonym for ‘fervor’ and identify its part of speech.

11 Write the corresponding vocabulary word.
adj. generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from pettiness

12 Divorce court is always full of allegations and _____________.

13 What is this magazine about?

14 Hearing his favorite knock-knock joke, the horse let out a loud ________________.

15 Write the corresponding vocabulary word.
. adj. to be struck hard mentally, morally or emotionally

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