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Presentation on theme: "PARENT INFORMATION EVENING"— Presentation transcript:



3 Celebrating success…

4 Tracking & Monitoring Progress
All students are set target grades Eg. BBC or D*DD (BTEC) These grades are used to check progress. They are recorded in the student diary

5 Progress updates Subject Autumn Grade Spring Current Annual Target
Attitude to Learning English Literature D+ B- B Excellent History Psychology C- C

6 Assessment AS results/BTEC year 1 grades Half Term graded work
Homework Pre-Public Examinations (PPE)

7 New points you need to reach each grade
Business AS Units AS Total GRAND TOTAL New points you need to reach each grade Unit 1 Unit 2 400 Target 160 Target 200 Target 240 Target 280 Target 320 Score 54 74 130 30 70 110 150 190 Grade b C E D B A Max 80 120 200

8 Student Assessment Record
Subject Target Autumn PUs Spring PUs Summer PUs PPE BTEC Units Grade Attitude ATTENDANCE RECORD Half term 1 2 3 4 5 6 %

9 BTEC Planning Unit Task Hand in date Completed

10 UCAS Grade Tariff Grade A Level AS Level new Spec. AS Level old spec
EPQ BTEC BTEC Sub Diploma Cert (one year) A* 56 28 Dist.* A 48 20 24 Dist. B 40 16 C 32 12 Merit D 10 E 6 8 Pass

11 @Success Stage 1 – All students will set targets at the start of each term Targets reviewed and updated Stage 2 – Personalised student/tutor intervention for students with satisfactory or inadequate attitude to learning

12 Supporting Success Intervention: supported study, key marginal students, danger students AS Re-takes (non-reformed subjects only) The Study Centre and ‘learning zone’ Study Resources – Personalised Learning Checklists (PLCs)


14 BTEC BTEC courses Grades Assessment Deadlines Expectations

15 BTEC Grade Tracker Student Name: xxx BTEC Subject: Business
Current Unit grades:. Unit  Grade 1 M 2 D 3 With your current units grades your best possible final grade is: Dist* To get this grade you need to achieve: DDM in your final unit(s).

16 Support UCAS Apprenticeships EPQ Future Learn

17 Limit part time work hours 100% Attendance Time management
Ensuring success: High expectations Limit part time work hours 100% Attendance Time management Parental involvement/support Preparation for after Sixth Form

18 Important Dates Friday 9th September: Personal statement (1st draft) deadline Thurs 22nd September: UCAS workshop evening Thurs 10th November: Parents evening w/b 5th December: PPEs

19 Our Expectations Attendance Punctuality Dress Code Tutor Programme
Use of Time

20 Student Behaviour Conduct Card

21 aBf16-19 Bursary


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