How did Castle design change over time?

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Presentation on theme: "How did Castle design change over time?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did Castle design change over time?
To consider the strengths and weaknesses of different types of Norman castles

2  starter activity Table
When the Normans arrived the first castles they built were wooden, motte & bailey castles (above.) Make a list of the advantages & disadvantages of this type of castle.

3 Motte and bailey castles built by William the Conqueror
Strengths Quick to build Resources easily available Provided living quarters for people & animals Easily defendable – motte, palisade, ditch, drawbridge Portable – flat pack castles Motte and bailey castles built by William the Conqueror

4 Weaknesses Wooden – easily burned down, rot in wet weather
Labour intensive Bailey difficult to defend

5  Your task Imagine you are an angry Anglo-Saxon rebel who has just led a failed attack on a motte and bailey castle. Describe the obstacles you faced on the way to the keep before you were finally defeated. Remember to include what you think were some of the weaknesses, too!

6 Success criteria Red Amber Green
Only mentions a few problems, e.g. ditch and wooden fence. Little or no technical vocabulary. Mentions a good range of problems facing the attacker as well as some weaknesses. Uses some technical words, e.g. palisade Full range of problems for attacker & defender. Confident use of technical vocab. Good use of descriptive details.

7 How easy was a stone keep castle to defend?
Make a list of all the advantages & disadvantages of building this type of this castle

8 Recognise this castle? Why is it so impressive?
Strengths Impressive Safe base to rule local region Special features – portcullis, murder holes, arrow slits, merlons & crenels Difficult to attack – thick walls, hoardings, drawbridge & moat, round towers Recognise this castle? Why is it so impressive?

9 Weaknesses Expensive to produce Time-consuming to build Immovable
Not impregnable

10  Your task Imagine you have been asked to produce a makeover show about a family living in a motte & bailey castle who want to live somewhere a little more modern and easier to defend. Work in teams of 4/5 and show the changes the programme makes to their wooden castle to a state of the art stone keep.

11  Your task Give each student a card. Make one side of the classroom motte and bailey castles, and the other stone keeps. Students must move to the correct side of the room according to the card they have. Card sort

12  Homework Produce an estate agent’s brochure for a medieval stone keep castle. Include the following information: Dimensions Floor plans Types of rooms Defensive features

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