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Medieval Castles Useless or Useful?.

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Presentation on theme: "Medieval Castles Useless or Useful?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medieval Castles Useless or Useful?

2 Castle Characteristics
Castles were to be livable: Permanent residences for the noble family Retainers Servants Castles were to be defensible : Defensible fortifications Built in features were suppose to make it easier to defend in case of attack. Early castles were made of wood By 11th century stone castles were being built


4 Building a castle Basic plan had two parts:
Motte- man made or natural steep-sided hill Bailey- open space next to the motte Bothe motte and bailey were surrounded by large stone walls.

5 Early Motte & Bailey Castle

6 The Keep Keep- Central building of castle was built upon the motte
Basement- housed storerooms for equipment and food stuffs Ground floor- stables and kitchens Main Hall- above the ground floor & served many purposes: Lords held court and received visitors Sleeping and eating quarters Sometimes a chapel



9 More Modern Castle

10 Warwick Castle, England

11 Caernorfon Castle, Wales



14 Useful or Useless? Now you need to determine if the medieval castle was useful or useless? Was it livable? Was it defendable? Use your notes, and book pages 294 and 295 to complete the castle activity!

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