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Road Cycling Marc Silberman, M.D. Gillette, NJ.

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Presentation on theme: "Road Cycling Marc Silberman, M.D. Gillette, NJ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Road Cycling Marc Silberman, M.D. Gillette, NJ

2 David Millar, “Does it (EPO) make a difference?”
“Frankie Andreau, “It can turn a donkey into a race horse” Racing through the Dark, David Millar

3 “I only took drugs when absolutely necessary, which is nearly always.”
“One day I will take the wrong pill and pedal backward.” Fausto Coppi 1949

4 “Cocaine, amphetamines, EPO, heroin—all these are now considered not optional but necessary—not to win, but just to compete in the Tour de France.” Willy Voet, author of Breaking the Chain, 2002 Doped over 500 riders during his career as a soigneur and can count on one hand the number of clean riders

5 "I still feel I was robbed of part of my career
"I still feel I was robbed of part of my career. I was signed up to ride in the prologue of the Tour back in 1995, but it was made very obvious to me I would have to take drugs. I said no, no way, and I was sacked by my team. So there I was, 11 years later, sitting there waiting for the Tour cyclists to come by, and something welled up in me. I feel I was robbed by a lot of these bastards taking drugs.” Graeme Obree, 2006


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