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Some People Are “Lucky” The Rest of the Story

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1 Some People Are “Lucky” The Rest of the Story
Esther 4:12-17

2 12 So they told Mordecai Esther's words.
13 And Mordecai told them to answer Esther: "Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king's palace any more than all the other Jews. 14 For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" 15 Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai: 16 "Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!" 17 So Mordecai went his way and did according to all that Esther commanded him. Esther 4:12-17

3 Tonight – Finish of AM Sermon

4 Tonight – Finish of AM Sermon
Persian Law—Kill all the Jews on 12/13

5 Tonight – Finish of AM Sermon
Persian Law—Kill all the Jews on 12/13 Devised by Haman

6 Tonight – Finish of AM Sermon
Persian Law—Kill all the Jew son 12/13 Devised by Haman Esther’s intervention going to king

7 Tonight – Finish of AM Sermon
Persian Law—Kill all the Jew son 12/13 Devised by Haman Esther’s intervention going to king Asked for Haman and king to come

8 Tonight – Finish of AM Sermon
Persian Law—Kill all the Jew son 12/13 Devised by Haman Esther’s intervention going to king Asked for Haman and king to come The day of feast, Haman honored Mordecai

9 Tonight – Finish of AM Sermon
Persian Law—Kill all the Jew son 12/13 Devised by Haman Esther’s intervention going to king Asked for Haman and king to come The day of feast, Haman honored Mordecai The edict to kill Jews could not be changed

10 Events at the Banquet Feast

11 Events at the Banquet Feast
King offered Esther anything she asked

12 Events at the Banquet Feast
King offered Esther anything she asked Asked for the life of Jews to be spared

13 Events at the Banquet Feast
King offered Esther anything she asked Asked for the life of Jews to be spared Revealed that Haman was cause of decree

14 Events at the Banquet Feast
King offered Esther anything she asked Asked for the life of Jews to be spared Revealed that Haman was cause of decree King’s great rage—left room

15 Events at the Banquet Feast
King offered Esther anything she asked Asked for the life of Jews to be spared Revealed that Haman was cause of decree King’s great rage—left room Haman begged Esther to help

16 Events at the Banquet Feast
King offered Esther anything she asked Asked for the life of Jews to be spared Revealed that Haman was cause of decree King’s great rage—left room Haman begged Esther to help Haman had fallen across the couch

17 Events at the Banquet Feast
King offered Esther anything she asked Asked for the life of Jews to be spared Revealed that Haman was cause of decree King’s great rage—left room Haman begged Esther to help Haman had fallen across the couch King’s anger even greater

18 Events at the Banquet Feast
King offered Esther anything she asked Asked for the life of Jews to be spared Revealed that Haman was cause of decree King’s great rage—left room Haman begged Esther to help Haman had fallen across the couch King’s anger even greater Hang my “wife molester”

19 Events at the Banquet Feast
King offered Esther anything she asked Asked for the life of Jews to be spared Revealed that Haman was cause of decree King’s great rage—left room Haman begged Esther to help Haman had fallen across the couch King’s anger even greater Hang my “wife molester” Haman was hanged on his own gallows

20 Events After the Banquet Feast

21 Events After the Banquet Feast
The unchangeable decree was still in place

22 Events After the Banquet Feast
The unchangeable decree was still in place King gave his ring to Mordecai & Esther

23 Events After the Banquet Feast
The unchangeable decree was still in place King gave his ring to Mordecai & Esther New decree to all 127 provinces

24 Events After the Banquet Feast
The unchangeable decree was still in place King gave his ring to Mordecai & Esther New decree to all 127 provinces Jews can arm themselves, defeat enemies

25 Events After the Banquet Feast
The unchangeable decree was still in place King gave his ring to Mordecai & Esther New decree to all 127 provinces Jews can arm themselves, defeat enemies Defeat of Jews enemies

26 Events After the Banquet Feast
The unchangeable decree was still in place King gave his ring to Mordecai & Esther New decree to all 127 provinces Jews can arm themselves, defeat enemies Defeat of Jews enemies In capital city, 500 enemies killed

27 Events After the Banquet Feast
The unchangeable decree was still in place King gave his ring to Mordecai & Esther New decree to all 127 provinces Jews can arm themselves, defeat enemies Defeat of Jews enemies In capital city, 500 enemies killed Added a second day for 12/14

28 Events After the Banquet Feast
The unchangeable decree was still in place King gave his ring to Mordecai & Esther New decree to all 127 provinces Jews can arm themselves, defeat enemies Defeat of Jews enemies In capital city, 500 enemies killed Added a second day for 12/14 Haman’s ten sons hanged

29 Events After the Banquet Feast
The unchangeable decree was still in place King gave his ring to Mordecai & Esther New decree to all 127 provinces Jews can arm themselves, defeat enemies Defeat of Jews enemies In capital city, 500 enemies killed Added a second day for 12/14 Haman’s ten sons hanged Throughout provinces 75,000 enemies slain

30 Events After the Banquet Feast
The unchangeable decree was still in place King gave his ring to Mordecai & Esther New decree to all 127 provinces Jews can arm themselves, defeat enemies Defeat of Jews enemies In capital city, 500 enemies killed Added a second day for 12/14 Haman’s ten sons hanged Throughout provinces 75,000 enemies slain No plundering of enemies’ possessions

31 Events After the Banquet Feast
The unchangeable decree was still in place King gave his ring to Mordecai & Esther New decree to all 127 provinces Jews can arm themselves, defeat enemies Defeat of Jews enemies In capital city, 500 enemies killed Added a second day for 12/14 Haman’s ten sons hanged Throughout provinces 75,000 enemies slain No plundering of enemies’ possessions Feast of Purim began 12/14 & 12/15

32 Events After the Banquet Feast
The unchangeable decree was still in place King gave his ring to Mordecai & Esther New decree to all 127 provinces Jews can arm themselves, defeat enemies Defeat of Jews enemies In capital city, 500 enemies killed Added a second day for 12/14 Haman’s ten sons hanged Throughout provinces 75,000 enemies slain No plundering of enemies’ possessions Feast of Purim began 12/14 & 12/15 Even Jesus honored this feast ` offered Esther anything she asked Asked for the life of Jews to be spared Revealed that Haman was cause of decree King’s great rage—left room Haman begged Esther to help Haman had fallen across the couch Hang my “wife molester” Haman was hanged on his own gallows

33 Thoughts About Providence

34 Thoughts About Providence
God always provides for His children

35 Thoughts About Providence
God always provides for His children Every good gift is from Him

36 Thoughts About Providence
God always provides for His children Every good gift is from Him Without revelation no absolute knowledge

37 Thoughts About Providence
God always provides for His children Every good gift is from Him Without revelation no absolute knowledge Bible talks about providence

38 Thoughts About Providence
God always provides for His children Every good gift is from Him Without revelation no absolute knowledge Bible talks about providence Onesimus and providence—Phile. 1:15

39 Thoughts About Providence
God always provides for His children Every good gift is from Him Without revelation no absolute knowledge Bible talks about providence Onesimus and providence—Phile. 1:15 Other Bible verses

40 Thoughts About Providence
God always provides for His children Every good gift is from Him Without revelation no absolute knowledge Bible talks about providence Onesimus and providence—Phile. 1:15 Other Bible verses Lack of knowledge makes life exciting

41 Thoughts About Providence
God always provides for His children Every good gift is from Him Without revelation no absolute knowledge Bible talks about providence Onesimus and providence—Phile. 1:15 Other Bible verses Lack of knowledge makes life exciting Who knows but in your life . . .

42 God’s Will for Your Life
Believe John 3:16 Repent Acts 17:30 Confess Faith Rom. 10:10 Be Baptized Into Him Gal. 3:27 Added to His church, His body, His kingdom Be Faithful until death Rev. 2:10

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