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Copyright Presentation

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1 Copyright Presentation
By:Shelby Hooper

2 Copyright Infringement
Copyright infringement is defined as the use of works protected by the copyright law without the necessary permission. Punishment for violating copyright includes, paying a fine, paying damages determined in civil court and even potential jail time.

3 Copyright Infringement in the Classroom
In the classroom this typically becomes an issue when using documents, images or video as classroom resources. If there is a document or other multimedia resource the teacher wishes to reproduce and distribute in the classroom, they must either be given permission by the copyright holder to use the resources or it must fall under the category of fair use. Teachers must be sure that the purpose of using the work is educational in nature.

4 Fair Use Fair Use is defined as a limitation on the rights of the copyright holder, meaning that in some instances a portion of a work may be used even without permission of the copyright holder. The copyright holder is the creator of the work, and they must either give permission for their original work to be used or it must fall under fair use guidelines. In order for a work to be considered in fair use there are many factors to consider. It is more likely for fair use to apply when the work is non-commercial, factual instead of fictional, only a portion of the work is used, and there is little effect of any work related to the copyrighted piece on the market value of the original.

5 Fair Use Guidelines: In the classroom there may be instances where video, text, and music from non educational sources are used to enhance a lesson. In order to be considered in fair use, the following rules apply: Music: amount used is 10% of the original or 30 seconds Text: amount used is 10% of the original work or 1000 words Film: 10% of the original or 3 minutes of the video is used Images: original image used with no changes, and no more than 5 from the same artist.

6 Copyright and Students
It is important that students be taught what copyright and fair use guidelines are. It is also important that they understand plagiarism and the importance of giving credit to the original author of a work. If a student is using a work in the classroom for a project or assignment they need to include on that assignment that the material they used is covered under the fair use guidelines.

7 Copyright Guideline for Student Work in the Classroom
Students are able to reference experts and use others work in their projects and assignments, however they must be sure to give credit to the original author and follow fair use guidelines. Failure to do so could make it seem as though the student is comitting plagarism and violating copyright. The bottom line is that is is alway better to err on the side of caution in regards to copyright infringement. Always be sure to give credit where credit is due, and never assert that anyone else’s work is your own.

8 References: Copyright FAQs. (2013, March 27). Retrieved May 23, 2015, from Fair Use Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers). (n.d.). Retrieved May 23, 2015, from Copyright in an Electronic Environment. (n.d.). Retrieved May 23, 2015, from

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