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Realistic Bandstructures mostly focus on bands in semiconductors.

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1 Realistic Bandstructures mostly focus on bands in semiconductors.
for Real Materials Due my interests & knowledge, we’ll mostly focus on bands in semiconductors. But, much of what we say will be equally valid for bands in any crystalline solid.

2 Bandstructure Methods Realistic Methods are all Highly Computational!
REMINDER: Calculational methods fall into 2 general categories which have their roots in 2 qualitatively very different physical pictures for e- in solids (earlier discussion): 1. “Physicist’s ViewPoint”: Start from the “almost free” e- & add a periodic potential in a highly sophisticated, self-consistent manner.  Pseudopotential Methods 2. “Chemist’s Viewpoint”: Start with the atomic picture & build up the periodic solid from atomic e- in a sophisticated, self-consistent manner.  Tightbinding/LCAO Methods

3 (Qualitative Physical Picture #1):
Method #1 (Qualitative Physical Picture #1): “Physicists Viewpoint”: Start with free e- & a add periodic potential. “Almost Free” e- Approximation First, it’s instructive to start even simpler, with FREE electrons. Consider Diamond & Zincblende Structures (Semiconductors). Superimpose the symmetry of the reciprocal lattice on the free electron energies:

4  “Empty Lattice” Approximation It will (hopefully!) teach us
It’s instructive to with FREE electrons. Consider Diamond/Zincblende Structures (Semiconductors). Superimpose the symmetry of the reciprocal lattice on the free electron energies:  “Empty Lattice” Approximation Diamond/Zincblende BZ symmetry superimposed on free e “bands”. This is the limit where the periodic potential V  0. But, symmetry of BZ (lattice periodicity) is preserved. Why do this? It will (hopefully!) teach us some physics!!

5 Free Electron “Bandstructures” “Empty Lattice Approximation”
Free Electrons: ψk(r) = eikr Superimpose diamond/zincblende BZ symmetry on the ψk(r). This symmetry reduces the number of k’s needing to be considered. For example, from the BZ, a “family” of equivalent k’s along (1,1,1) is: (2π/a)(1,  1,  1) All of these points map the Γ point = (0,0,0) to equivalent centers of neighboring BZ’s. The ψk(r) for these k are degenerate (they have the same energy).

6  Any linear combination of these also has the same energy
We can treat other high symmetry BZ points similarly. So, we can get Symmetrized Linear Combinations of ψk(r) = eikr for all equivalent k’s. A QM Result: If 2 (or more) eigenfunctions are degenerate (have the same energy),  Any linear combination of these also has the same energy So, consider particular symmetrized linear combinations, chosen to reflect the symmetry of the BZ.

7 Symmetrized, “Nearly Free” e- Wavefunctions for the Zincblende Lattice
Representation Wave Function Group Theory Notation

8 Symmetrized, “Nearly Free” e- Wavefunctions for the Zincblende Lattice
Representation Wave Function Group Theory Notation

9 Symmetrized, “Nearly Free” e- Wavefunctions for the Diamond Lattice
Note: Diamond & Zincblende are different! Representation Wave Function Group Theory Notation

10 E(k) = ħ2[(kx)2 +(ky)2 +(kz)2]/(2mo)
The Free Electron Energy is: E(k) = ħ2[(kx)2 +(ky)2 +(kz)2]/(2mo) So, superimpose the BZ symmetry (diamond/zincblende lattices) on this energy. Then, plot the results in the reduced zone scheme

11 Zincblende “Empty Lattice” Bands (Reduced Zone Scheme) E(k) = ħ2[(kx)2 +(ky)2 +(kz)2]/(2mo)
1st BZ for the Zincblende Lattice (111) (100)

12 Diamond “Empty Lattice” Bands (Reduced Zone Scheme) E(k) = ħ2[(kx)2 +(ky)2 +(kz)2]/(2mo)
1st BZ for the Diamond Lattice (111) (100)

13 Free Electron “Bandstructures” “Empty Lattice Approximation”
These E(k) show some features of real bandstructures! If a finite potential is added: Gaps will open up at the BZ edge just as in 1d

14 Calculated (Pseudopotential) Si Bandstructure
GOALS: After this chapter, you should: 1. Understand the underlying Physics behind the existence of bands & gaps. 2. Understand how to interpret this figure. 3. Have a rough, general idea about how realistic bands are calculated. 4. Be able to calculate energy bands for some simple models of a solid.  Eg Note: Si has an indirect band gap!

15 Qualitative Comparison:
Si Bandstructures with “Empty Lattice”: (Diamond Structure) 1st BZ for Diamond Lattice Diamond Structure: “Empty Lattice” Bands Si: Pseudopotential Bands

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