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<month year> doc: IEEE c November 2006

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1 <month year> doc: IEEE c November 2006 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Reference pattern models for directional antennas] Date Submitted: [November, 2006] Source: [Alexei Davydov, Alexander Maltsev, Alexey Rubtsov, Ali Sadri] Company: [Intel Corporation] Address: [Intel Corporation, Turgeneva 30, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia], Abstract: [This contribution describes reference directional antenna pattern models] Purpose: [Contribution to TG3c at November, 2006 meeting in Dallas, USA] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Alexander Maltsev (Intel Corporation) <author>, <company>

2 November 2006 Purpose Gaussian antenna pattern model was suggested in [1] for evaluation of c PHY/MAC layer proposals This contribution proposes other reference antenna pattern models with finite sidelobe levels that may be used for performance comparison of mmWave systems Alexander Maltsev (Intel Corporation)

3 Antenna beam pattern models
November 2006 Antenna beam pattern models Alexander Maltsev (Intel Corporation)

4 Illustration of antenna pattern models
November 2006 Illustration of antenna pattern models Square Antenna Pattern Dish Antenna Pattern Gaussian Antenna Pattern Alexander Maltsev (Intel Corporation)

5 November 2006 References: [1] H.Sawada, et al., ”Proposed reference antenna models for each Usage Model Definition”, IEEE c Alexander Maltsev (Intel Corporation)

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