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My stomach is burning. Can you give me some Maalox or something?

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1 My stomach is burning. Can you give me some Maalox or something?
Mrs. Merritt is a 69 y/o female who has just been transferred to your floor from the ED for treatment of ACS. She has CAD, DM, PVD by history, MI X 1. She is highly allergic to Contrast and Benadryl and is awaiting evaluation for the catheterization lab . She received, Plavix, nitroglycerin and metoprolol in the ED. She has a routine ACS order set and is awaiting evaluation by her HCP. MR# 122334 Gender Identity  F Hgt  5’9’’ Last Name  Mannix Marital Status  W Wgt  88 kg First Name  Jane DOB  9/X/20XX age   71 HCP  Jones Admitting Date  X/XX/XXXX Preferred Language  English Spirituality Presbyterian Reason for visit  epigastric discomfort, orthopnea, pedal edema, sleeping with two pillows HPI  Developed epigastric discomfort onset 6 hours prior to admission 6/10 associated nausea, activity intolerance and orthopnea. denies diaphoresis. Onset at rest. Relieved with one NTG. Received IV NTG, Plavix and Metoprolol in ED. 2 set negative weaned of NTG IV and transferred to tele. PMH  Rheumatic fever as a child Coronary artery disease, MI X 2 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetic Angiopathy Allergies  Aspirin, IV contrast Surgical History denies  Current Meds Plavix 75 mg po daily Diltiazem hydrochloride CD PO 360 mg daily Glucophage 1000 mg PO BID Lantus 20 units at bedtime Social History  retired office worker, widowed lives alone, 2 children out of state, non smoker Family History Mother- breast cancer, Father stroke  PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT Neurologic/Psychiatric No c/o headache, slurred speech, weakness, or numbness. Alert and oriented to person, place, time. Cooperative. Speech clear, appropriate, posture relaxed. Recent/remote memory intact. Cranial nerves II-XII intact. Sensation to pinprick, light touch intact. Motor: no atrophy, weakness or tremors bilaterally. Head/Eyes/Ears/Nose/Mouth/Throat Normocephalic, atraumatic. Facies symmetric, no weakness or involuntary movements noted. No ptosis, no lidlag, discharge PERRLA. Cardiovascular No c/o chest discomfort No JVD. No heaves, no thrills. Heart sounds: S1, S2 no S3 S4 gallop or murmurs. Regular sinus tach on cardiac monitor no weight gain noted, maintained on I/O Peripheral vascular Color pink, no lesions, varicosities present, symmetric bilaterally. No Hair present. Edema noted to bilateral extremities , denies calf tenderness, all peripheral pulses present, no changes in temperature. Capillary refill < 2 seconds. Seq Teds in use Respiratory No c/o difficulty breathing. .Respirations even and unlabored, no use of accessory muscles. Trachea midline. Chest symmetric, AP diameter not increased. No tenderness on palpation. Lung fields resonant. Lungs clear to auscultation, no adventitious sounds. Po 98 % on RA Gastrointestinal No abdominal pain. Abdomen flat, symmetric. No lesions, herniations, gas patterns, venous patterns or pulsations. Normoactive bowel sounds in all quadrants. Tympanitic to percussion. Abdomen soft nontender. Femoral pulses present bilaterally. No lymphadenopathy. No CVA tenderness. Awaiting endocrinology for diabetic orders capillary blood sugar 126 om arrival Musculoskeletal No joint pain, tenderness, Moves all extremities. Initiated falls precaution Skin Skin pink warm dry to touch. No lesions, hyper/hypopigmentation. Hair even distribution, texture, no pest inhabitants. Nails no clubbing, cyanosis, and discoloration. Saline lock 20 gauge RFA dsg DI no r/s/p/w Orders Care Plan P&P Daily Med Medication Dose Route Frequency Start Stop Clopidogrel 75 mg po daily XX/XX/20XX Metoprolol 25 mg q 6 hours X 48 hours My stomach is burning. Can you give me some Maalox or something? EMAR action Pt Tx Call HCP Call RRT Coaching case questions

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