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Variables Kevin Harville.

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1 Variables Kevin Harville

2 Variables Variables are a named space in the computer where a value is stored. Examples User’s age User’s name Any characters or numbers you need use in which the values may vary.

3 Variable Names Names are CASE SENSITIVE
Var totalStudents is not TotalStudents Use letters or underscore. Can use numbers after the first character var Student_Name; var Score7; Be descriptive. Use no punctuation or spaces. var NumberOfFishInGrandmasAquarium;

4 Variable Scope The “scope” of a variable is the range within the program where it can be used. If a variable is declared within a function, the scope of the variable is local, meaning limited to that function. Other variables are global to the entire script.

5 Data Types Variables in JavaScript are variant. That means that they are usually not specified as being a particular type of data, such as characters, a decimal number, or a number. However, we can specify our data as being of a particular type if needed.

6 Data Types Numbers Boolean ( true / false ) Strings (characters)
Null values (JavaScript keyword null)

7 Converting Strings to Numbers
Any input from the user may be considered by the computer to be strings of characters. “10” + “40” = “1040” Therefore we tell the computer to consider the text to be integer or floating point (decimal numbers). age = parseInt(age); myFraction = parseFloat(myInput);

8 Just Remember… If your input should be an integer convert it using parseInt(). If your input should be a decimal convert it using parseFloat(). If your response is NaN, then the computer can’t convert it to a number

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