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Rocco Panciera - UNICEF

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1 Rocco Panciera - UNICEF
Exercise 3 – Preparing the geospatial and geographic data for the Taungdwingyi Township Rocco Panciera - UNICEF

2 Summary Two types of maps have been identified to support the microplanning process in Myanmar Map Type 1: Base microplanning maps Geospatial data: Location of health facilities with names location of EPI communities Transportation networks Landscape features/geographic barriers (rivers and water bodies) Boundaries of SubRHC and RHC reporting areas Attributes: Distances between EPI communities and health facilities Map Type 2: Monitoring & Evaluation maps Geospatial data Location of health facilities Boundaries of RHC reporting areas Attributes Cold chain equipment, Human resources RHC performance (e.g. immunization coverage, nbr of unimmunized children, target population)

3 Summary During Exercise 2 we prepared the attribute data to be linked with the geographic objects During Exercise 3, we will: Prepare the geospatial data and input them in the GIS software Link the attribute data to the geographic objects

4 Summary Where we are in the process of map production and use
You are here

5 Summary Geospatial and attribute data that have been compiled for the two types of maps For base microplanning maps  data covering the Koke ko khwa focus RHC For Monitoring & Evaluation maps  data covering the Taungdwingyi township All Data placed in the TRAINING_MATERIAL\EXERCISES\EXERCISE_3 \Data folder on your USB key Copy the folder to your computer hard disk

6 SRHC reporting divisions boundaries shapefile
Exercise 3 – Part I SRHC reporting divisions boundaries shapefile Open QGIS Click the Add Vector Layer button Browse to the location of the TRAINING_MATERIAL\EXERCISES\EXERCISE_3 \Data folder on your computer Select the Kokekokwha_SRHC_reporting.shp file A shapefile is composed of several files with the same name but different extensions Make sure you select the .shp

7 SRHC reporting divisions boundaries shapefile
Exercise 3 – Part I SRHC reporting divisions boundaries shapefile Click Open and then Add The SubRHC reporting division boundaries for the Koke Ko Khwa RHC will appear in the map canvas of QGIS Note that the layer is of type “polygon”, representing the geographic areas covered by each SRHC

8 Exercise 3 – Part I Check coordinate reference system: Remember that it is good practice that all layers in a QGIS project have the same “coordinate reference system” Right click on the layer name in the layer panel Select Properties in the menu Click on Source The information about the geographic coordinate and projection system is stored under “Coordinate reference system” Layer not projected, only using the a geographic coordinate system (WGS 84)

9 Save the project! – think to do it regularly…
Exercise 3 – Part I Save the project! – think to do it regularly… Click on the save icon Precise the path and file name (for example “KokeKoKhwa_base_micro_ qgs”) Click Save This will save the following, among other things: The link to the geospatial layers included in the map The style information (symbology) for each layer .qgs projects allows recreating the map at any time as long as you keep the files in the same place on your computer. The link would be lost if you move the data to another place and the map would not be complete 9

10 Load the EPI communities location layer into QGIS
Exercise 3 – Part I Load the EPI communities location layer into QGIS We need to convert the content of the EPI communities master list into a shapefile In Excel: Open the EPI_COM_ML_KokeKoKhwaRHC_ xlsx file and save it as UNICODE text delimited (.txt) IMPORTANT: saving as UNICODE text type will preserve names in Myanmar script after typing them using the Myanmar3 fonts In the window that appears, select “save active sheet” Close Excel In QGIS: Click on the Add Delimited Text Layer button In the window that opens browse to the text file created in excel and Select Custom delimiters and check the Tab box under file format Indicate which fields contain the longitudes and latitudes under Geometry definition Click Add

11 Load the EPI communities location layer into QGIS
Exercise 3 – Part I Load the EPI communities location layer into QGIS The locations of the EPI communities for the focus RHC are now visible in the QGIS canvas as point locations The layer is of type “points”, representing the locations of each EPI community Make sure that all the points are falling within the Koke Ko Khwa RCH boundaries (click on the zoom to full extent button )

12 Convert EPI communities location layer to shapefile
Exercise 3 – Part I Convert EPI communities location layer to shapefile !!!! The points are not yet saved in a shapefile!!! To do so: Right click on the layer containing the points in the layer panel and click on Save as In the Window that opens: Select Esri Shapefile as the Format Browse to the folder where you want to save it and give it a name, suggested to add “_shp” to the file name in order to distinguish it from the imported table Keep WGS 84 as the CRS Click Ok

13 EPI communities location layer
Exercise 3 – Part I EPI communities location layer The new shape file is now added to the layer panel You can delete the temporary layer by right clicking on it and then click on Remove Once done, save the project and check the shapefile attribute table (use the button): Are all the content from the master list there (24 EPI communities = 24 table rows) Are the number and content type of the columns the same as in the original table? Are the name in local language properly displayed? Save the project!

14 EPI communities– Link Distances to health facilities
Exercise 3 – Part I EPI communities– Link Distances to health facilities Click once again the Add Vector Layer button Browse to the location of the TRAINING_MATERIAL\EXERCISES\ EXERCISE_3 \Data folder on your computer Select the SRHC_EPI_Distances_DRY_Table.xlsx file and click Add In the next dialogue box, select the « Data_table » sheet and click ok Open the attribute table (use the button ) and compare the two tables Do they contain the same list of EPI communities? Is there a unique identifier in common to both tables? Remember this table? This is the statistical information on distances Between EPI communities and health facilities that you prepared in Exercise 2

15 EPI communities– Link distances to health facilities
Exercise 3 – Part I EPI communities– Link distances to health facilities This means that we can join the content of the microplan table (excel) to the attribute table of the shapefile Right click on the EPI communities shapefile name in the menu and click on Properties Click on Joins in the window that opens Click on the « + » icon at the bottom of the window In the window that opens select: SRHC_EPI_Distances_DRY_Table Data Table as the Join layer “to_epi_sc_c”” as the join field “EPI_SC_C” as the target field in the shapefile Select fields “distance_mi” and “time_m” Set Custom field prefix to “D_” Click Ok Twice

16 EPI communities– Link distances to health facilities
Exercise 3 – Part I EPI communities– Link distances to health facilities Re-open the attribute table of the EPI communities location layer Notice that content of the statistical microplanning table from the excel file is now included into the shapefile attribute table The distance from each EPI communities to the reporting health facilities have now been connected to the EPI communities geographic objects, and this thanks to the unique identifier to finalize Check that there is a value for distance to the health facility (column “D_distance_mi”) attached to each EPI communities as a way to control that the join worked properly Statistical data ready for thematic mapping! Don’t forget to save your project!

17 Load SRHC health facilities location layer into QGIS
Exercise 3 – Part I Load SRHC health facilities location layer into QGIS We need to convert the content of the EPI communities master list into a shapefile In Excel: Open the SRHC_ML_KokekokhwaRHC_ xslx file in excel and save it as UNICODE text delimited (.txt) IMPORTANT: saving as UNICODE text type will preserve names in Myanmar script after typing them using the Myanmar3 fonts In the window that appears, select “save active sheet” Close Excel In QGIS: Click on the Add Delimited Text Layer button In the window that opens browse to the text file created in excel and Select Custom delimiters and check the Tab box under file format Indicate which fields contain the longitudes and latitudes under Geometry definition Click Add

18 Load SRHC health facilities location layer into QGIS
Exercise 3 – Part I Load SRHC health facilities location layer into QGIS The locations of the Sub Rural Health Centers for the focus RHC are now visible in the QGIS canvas as point locations Make sure that all the points are falling within the Koke Ko Khwa RCH boundaries (click on the zoom to full extent button )

19 Convert health facilities location to shapefile
Exercise 3 – Part I Convert health facilities location to shapefile !!!! The points are not yet saved in a shapefile!!! To do so: Right click on the layer containing the points in the layer panel and click on Save as In the Window that opens: Select Esri Shapefile as the Format Browse to the folder where you want to save it and give it a name, suggested to add “_shp” to distinguish it from the imported table Keep WGS 84 as the CRS Click Ok

20 health facilities location layer
Exercise 3 – Part I health facilities location layer The new shape file is now added to the layer panel You can delete the temporary layer by right clicking on it and then click on Remove Once done, save the project and check the attribute table (use the : button) Are all the content from the master list there (6 health facilities) Are the number and content type of the columns the same as in the original table? Are the name in local language properly displayed? Save the project!

21 Load transportation network shapefiles
Exercise 3 – Part I Load transportation network shapefiles Open QGIS Click the Add Vector Layer button Browse to the location of the TRAINING_MATERIAL\EXERCISES\EXERCISE_3 \Data folder on your computer Select the OSM_roads_ shp file and click Open and then Add Select the OSM_railways_ shp file and click Open and then Add

22 Load transportation network shapefiles
Exercise 3 – Part I Load transportation network shapefiles The road and railway network shapefiles are now visible in the QGIS canvas Notice that the layer is of type “line”, i.e. a network of intersecting lines To make the different layers more visible, you can select/unselect individual layers using the button Remember to Save the project!

23 Load the river and water bodies shapefiles
Exercise 3 – Part I Load the river and water bodies shapefiles Open QGIS Click the Add Vector Layer button Browse to the location of the TRAINING_MATERIAL\EXERCISES\EXERCISE_3 \Data folder on your computer Select both files OSM_rivers_ shp file OSM_waterbodies_ shp click Open Click Open again The shapefile representing the rivers and water bodies in the focus area is now visible in the QGIS canvas Remember to Save the project!

24 Exercise 3 – Part I You have imported into the GIS software all the geospatial data and associated attributes required to produce the base microplanning maps So far the data might not look as the maps you expected That’s because the layers are missing symbology and labels During Exercise 4 we will convert these data into the actual base microplanning map

25 Exercise 3 – Part II Preparing geospatial data for the Taungdwingyi township Monitoring & Evaluation maps The following geospatial data have been compiled for Taungdwingyi township The RHC reporting division boundaries The health facility master list containing the geographic location of RHC health facilities All Data are already in your exercise folder TRAINING_MATERIAL\EXERCISES\EXERCISE_3 \Data folder In the same folder you will find the table containing RHC performance indicators (e.g. immunization coverage, nr of unimmunized children, target population)

26 Monitoring & Evaluation maps
Exercise 3 – Part II Creating the project for the M&E maps Start a new project Once a new blank canvas appears Click on the save icon Precise the path and file name (for example “Taungdwingyi_ME_ qgs”) Click Save This will be our working project for the production of the township-level Monitoring & Evaluation maps 26

27 Load the boundaries of the RHCs in Taungdwingyi
Exercise 3 – Part II Load the boundaries of the RHCs in Taungdwingyi Open QGIS Click the Add Vector Layer button Browse to the location of the TRAINING_MATERIAL\EXERCISES\EXERCISE_3 \Data folder on your computer Select the Taungdwingyi_reporting_RHC.shp file 27

28 Exercise 3 – Part II Load the location of the RHC health facilities in Taungdwingyi  We need to convert the content of the health facility master list into a shapefile In Excel: Open the RHC_HFML_Taungdwingyi_table.xlsx file and save it as UNICODE text delimited (.txt) In the window that appears, select “save active sheet” Close Excel IMPORTANT: saving as UNICODE text type will preserve names in Myanmar script after typing them using the Myanmar3 fonts In QGIS: Click on the Add Delimited Text Layer button In the window that opens browse to the text file created in excel and Select Custom delimiters and check the Tab box under file format Indicate which fields contain the longitudes and latitudes under Geometry definition Click Add 28

29 Load the shapefile with the boundaries of the RHC in Taungdwingyi
Exercise 3 – Part II Load the shapefile with the boundaries of the RHC in Taungdwingyi The location of the RHC, SHU and MCH health facilities, as well as the Township hospital in Taunwindgyi are displayed as points falling within the respective RHCs boundaries 29

30 Load the table containing the RHC performance
Exercise 3 – Part II Load the table containing the RHC performance indicators and microplanning data Click once again the Add Vector Layer button Browse to the location of the TRAINING_MATERIAL\EXERCISES\ EXERCISE_3 \Data folder on your computer Select the Taungdwingyi_M&E_RHC_Table.xls file and click Add In the next dialogue box, select the « Data_table » sheet and click ok 30

31 See data catalogue for detailed description
Exercise 3 – Part II Load the table tables containing RHC performance indicators and microplanning resources This table has been compiled by aggregating to each RHC A selected number of RHC performance indicators from monthly and annual compilation report for the current year A selected number of parameter from RHC-level microplanning See data catalogue for detailed description of each column Through the table unique ID, we can link these parameters to both The Health facilities locations and the RHC area boundaries for mapping purposes 31

32 Exercise 3 – Part II Join the table of RHC performance to the shapefile of boundaries of the RHCs Right click on the RHC boundaries shapefile name in the menu and click on Properties Click on Joins in the window that opens Click on the « + » icon at the bottom of the window In the window that opens select: Taungdwingyi_M&E_RHC_Table Data Table as the Join layer “HF_L2_C”” as the join field “HF_L2_C” as the target field in the shapefile Set Custom field prefix to blank Click Ok Twice 32

33 Exercise 3 – Part II Join the table of RHC performance to the location of the health facilities Right click on the RHC health facilities shapefile name in the menu and click on Properties Click on Joins in the window that opens Click on the « + » icon at the bottom of the window In the window that opens select: Taungdwingyi_M&E_RHC_Table Data Table as the Join layer “HF_L2_C”” as the join field “HF_L2_C” as the target field in the shapefile Set Custom field prefix to blank Click Ok Twice 33

34 Exercise 3 – Part II The table containing the RHC performance indicators and microplanning data is now linked to the health facilities master list, as well as to the boundaries of the RHC The data are ready to be mapped 34

35 What you have achieved during this exercise:
Exercise 3 - Conclusion What you have achieved during this exercise: You loaded all necessary geospatial data into QGIS You linked the required attributes (statistics and information) to the relevant geographic objects through unique identifiers You have saved all geospatial and linked attribute data into a QGIS project file which can be recalled later Well done! We are now ready to create some maps!

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