Reformulation for healthier baked products

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Presentation on theme: "Reformulation for healthier baked products"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reformulation for healthier baked products
Nicole Maher Senior Bakery Scientist

2 Overview Introduction Gluten free background Technical challenges
Nutritional composition Alternative approaches

3 Campden BRI Provide support to food and drink industry
Membership based Based in Gloucestershire, UK Provide practical scientific, technical, legislative and information support to food, drink and allied industries. Work closely with industry to ensure the work we do is relevant to industry

4 Introduction Poor diet linked to increased risks of obesity, diabetes and CVD Baked products in particular targeted – high in fat and sugar Huge increase in followers of gluten or wheat free diet Many people follow gluten free as they believe it is a healthy diet!

5 Why gluten-free ? Gluten is found in wheat, barley and rye
Triggers an immune reaction in some people – coeliac disease Damages the lining of the small intestine, limits absorption of other nutrients Coeliac disease affects about 1% of the population The gluten-free “lifestyle” sector is significant Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease Whilst a gluten or wheat free diet is essential for those suffering from coeliac disease or wheat allergy a large proportion of consumers of the products are lifestylers who consume products on the basis of a perceived but scientifically unproven belief that gluten and wheat free products are a generally healthier choice or will aid weight management

6 Gluten-free is big Driven by awareness, diagnosis and general interest in healthy eating Market forecasted to grow from £184m to £561 – 2017 2,628 new gluten-free product launches in the UK between 2006 and 2010! Over past 6 months 22% of people bought or ate gluten free products Estimated 16% of UK follow gluten free diet (Mintel)

7 What is special about wheat?
Gluten proteins (dough structure, anti-staling) Surface active proteins (bubbles) Enzymes (yeast activation, softening, emulsification) Arabino-xylans (water binding) Lipids (emulsifiers) Starch

8 Bread product quality attributes
Loaf volume Crumb structure Texture Crust colour and texture Shelf life

9 Technical Challenges Challenges Possible solutions Structure
Hydrocolloids (e.g. Xanthan, cellulose gum Wheat / starch alternatives Blends of starches / flours Rapid staling / firming Fat / sugar or reheating

10 Nutritional Composition of GF Breads
Table 1 : GF bread VS white bread GF bread (100g) White bread (100g) Calories 272 241 Fat 6.1 2.5 Saturated fat 0.4 1.0 Protein 2.4 9.9 Carbohydrate 47 43.4 Of which sugars 3.9 1.7 Fibre 9.3 2.7 Salt 0.9

11 Functionality of fat Moisture Aeration and stability Emulsifier
Structural Reduces staling rate Improves perceived crumb softness

12 Replacing gluten and improving functionality
Hydrocolloid Effect on Gluten-free bread Guar gum Even cell size distribution in crumb Retarded staling Locust bean gum Increased volume Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose Improved gas retention (surface active) Pectin Increased crumb porosity Xanthan gum Good crumb structure Decreased crumb porosity Decreased volume Increased crumb firmness

13 Alternative solutions - Gluten free cereals
Eragrostis tef Teff Panicoideae zea mays Maize Sorghum bicolor Sorghum Pennisetum glaucum Proso Millet Avena sativa L. Oats Fagopyrum esculentum Buckwheat Amaranthus cruentus Amaranth Oryzoidae Rice Eleusin coracana Finger millet Chenopodium quinoa Quinoa Pseudocereals

14 Nutritional Quality of GF grains
Protein content [%] And most of them contain high level of protein, dietary fibre, antioxidant and minerals such as Iron and Calcium Hager, A.-S., A. Wolter, et al. (2012). "Nutritional properties and ultra-structure of commercial gluten free flours from different botanical sources compared to wheat flours." Journal of Cereal Science 56(2):

15 Gluten free: novel approaches

16 Take home message… Poor diet may lead to health problems
Gluten free diet becoming popular Lots of technical issues with GF Nutritional content needs to be improved Understanding ingredient functionality is key! Alternative cereals offer another solution

17 Thank you for listening
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