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India’s First Civilizations. India’s First Civilizations.

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2 India’s First Civilizations

3 First Civilizations Cont.

4 Hinduism and Buddhism

5 Mauryan Dynasty and Gupta Empire

6 Important People

7 Misc.

8 India’s First Civilizations Hinduism/ Buddhism Mauryan / Gupta First Civ. Cont. People Misc. $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Round One should contain one “Daily Double” question. To insert the “Daily Double Screen”, follow these steps: 1. Select the desired button on this slide by clicking on it. Click on SLIDE SHOW  ACTION SETTINGS Make a note of which slide the HYPERLINK is currently set to. In the “Action Settings” dialogue box, change the HYPERLINK to “Daily Double Round 1”. Click OK 6. Now go to Slide “Daily Double Round 1” in this presentation, and follow the directions in the “Notes” section $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 1-100 India is know as this because even though it is part of Asia, the Himalaya Mountains separate it from the rest of Asia. $100

10 1-100A What is a subcontinent? $100

11 1-200 The areas that are best suited for settlement are the Indus and Ganges River Valleys and these two other locations. $200

12 Where are the east and west coasts of India?
Where are the east and west coasts of India? (these areas are lush and fertile) $200

13 These people replaced a peaceful culture with a warlike culture.
1-300 These people replaced a peaceful culture with a warlike culture. $300

14 1-300A Who are the Aryans? $300

15 This is why the Aryans created the caste system.
1-400 This is why the Aryans created the caste system. $400

16 What is to help them maintain control of the people of India?
What is to help them maintain control of the people of India? $400

17 1-500 This was India’s first civilization in the Indus River Valley (also known as the Indus civilization). $500

18 What is the Harrapan civilization?
What is the Harrapan civilization? $500

19 The Aryans brought this language to India.
2-100 The Aryans brought this language to India. $100

20 2-100A What is Sanskrit? $100

21 The Harappan civilization consisted of ______s and _______s.
2-200 The Harappan civilization consisted of ______s and _______s. $200

22 What are farmers and traders?
What are farmers and traders? $200

23 Who had more rights in India; men or women?
2-300 Who had more rights in India; men or women? $300

24 2-300A Who are men? $300

25 2-400 A young boy would have this, also known as a teacher, until he went to the city for more education. $400

26 2-400A What is a guru? $400

27 2-500 The practice of a wife of a prominent family leaping into the flames that cremated her dead husband was called this. $500

28 2-500A What is suttee? $500

29 3-100 This is one of the oldest religions in the world and the third largest today. $100

30 3-100A What is Hinduism? $100

31 In Hinduism, this is the name for the universal spirit.
3-200 In Hinduism, this is the name for the universal spirit. $200

32 3-200A What is the Brahman? $200

33 3-300 ____ is the divine law that requires people to perform the duties of their caste, while ______ is the consequences of how a person lives. $300

34 What is dharma and karma?
What is dharma and karma? $300

35 (hint: what it didn’t accept)
3-400 This is the main reason why Buddhism became popular, especially among the untouchables and low-caste Indians. (hint: what it didn’t accept) $400

36 What is it didn’t accept the caste system?
What is it didn’t accept the caste system? $400

37 3-500 According to Buddhism, if people worship the Buddha during their lifetime, they can then follow the ____ ____ in heaven and reach nirvana. $500

38 What is the Eightfold Path?
What is the Eightfold Path? $500

39 These are Buddhist shrines.
4-100 These are Buddhist shrines. $100

40 4-100A What are stupas? $100

41 4-200 These are the ancient collection of sacred verses, hymns, prayers, and teachings. $200

42 4-200A What are the Vedas? $200

43 This is why Asoka and the Mauryan dynasty prospered.
4-300 This is why Asoka and the Mauryan dynasty prospered. Hint: $300

44 What is spread religious ideas throughout India and the rest of Asia?
What is spread religious ideas throughout India and the rest of Asia? $300

45 4-400 This is why the Gupta empire was easier to manage than the Mauryan empire. $400

46 4-400A What is it was smaller? $400

47 This empire was known as “the golden age of art and learning”.
4-500 This empire was known as “the golden age of art and learning”. $500

48 What was the Gupta empire?
What was the Gupta empire? $500

49 This person became known as the Buddha, or “Enlightened One”.
5-100 This person became known as the Buddha, or “Enlightened One”. $100

50 Who is Siddhartha Gautama?
Who is Siddhartha Gautama? $100

51 5-200 In Tibet, the Buddhist leaders lead the government in a theocracy. This person is who heads the government in Tibet. $200

52 5-200A Who is the Dalai Lama? $200

53 This person is known as the greatest king of the Mauryan dynasty.

54 5-300A Who is Asoka? $300

55 India’s first empire was founded by this person.
5-400 India’s first empire was founded by this person. $400

56 Who is Chandragupta Maurya?
Who is Chandragupta Maurya? $400

57 These people led the tribes of the Aryans.
5-500 These people led the tribes of the Aryans. $500

58 5-500A Who are the rajas? $500

59 6-100 These are strong winds that blows one direction in winter and the opposite direction in summer. $100

60 6-100A What are monsoons? $100

61 The Aryans entered India from which direction?
6-200 The Aryans entered India from which direction? North, south, east, or west? $200

62 6-200A What is the north? $200

63 This is a social group that someone is born into and cannot leave.
6-300 This is a social group that someone is born into and cannot leave. $300

64 6-300A What is a caste? $300

65 This is the caste that is missing from the picture below:
6-400 This is the caste that is missing from the picture below: $400

66 6-400A Who are the Sudras? $400

67 Indian literature stresses the importance of this.
6-500 Indian literature stresses the importance of this. $500

68 6-500A What is dharma? $500

69 Final Jeopardy

70 Chandragupta Maurya set up a centralized government
Chandragupta Maurya set up a centralized government. To maintain control, it needed these four things.

71 Strong army Good spy system Communications Postal system

72 Please put whiteboards and
That's all for today! Please put whiteboards and markers back neatly 

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