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Asian art Analysis Historical Question: How did beliefs influence action in the Kingdoms of Asia?

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Presentation on theme: "Asian art Analysis Historical Question: How did beliefs influence action in the Kingdoms of Asia?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asian art Analysis Historical Question: How did beliefs influence action in the Kingdoms of Asia?

2 Opening Discussion Where do you see art? What does it look like? What is the purpose of art? What influences an artist?

3 Art Analysis Round 1 Write quietly for 2 minutes describing everything that you see No detail is too small Share with your shoulder partner Add those details to your organizer that are different.

4 Buddhism

5 Borobudur Central Java, Indonesia Sailendra Dynasty C.E. Volcanic-stone masonry

6 Longmen Caves Luoyang, China Tang Dynasty 493-1127 C.E. Limestone

7 Hinduism

8 Shiva as Lord of Dance (Nataraja)
Hindu, India (Tamil Nadu) Chola Dynasty 11th century C.E. Cast Bronze





13 Exit Ticket Using all material from today and yesterday answer the following question with at least one example from each religion: How does belief influence action in Asian religions?

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