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Landbridge Theory How did first people come to the Americas?

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Presentation on theme: "Landbridge Theory How did first people come to the Americas?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Landbridge Theory How did first people come to the Americas?
Landbridge Theory- earliest Americans came overland from Asia chasing game through Alaska. Coastal Route Theory- people on outrigger canoes followed the coast line to the Americas

2 -Intuits in Alaska and Canada
-hunter and gatherers -reliant on animals for food, clothing, shelter -believed each animal had an anirniq “last breath” that should be honored.

3 Problems with Geography? How did they adapt to geography?
Inuit’s Geography Problems with Geography? How did they adapt to geography?

4 The Anasazi -located in the harsh deserts of Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Nevada -houses were made of adobe (sun-dried bricks) -homes called pueblos -relied on farming and hunting -irrigation canals brought water to deserts from rivers -built dwellings in cliffs to protect from invaders -mysteriously disappear before Columbus gets to New World

5 Problems with Geography? How did they adapt to geography?
Early Peoples of the Americas Anasazi Geography Problems with Geography? How did they adapt to geography?

6 The Sioux -Lived in nomadic tribes on the Great Plain of the US
-Hunters and gatherers with very little technology -Come into conflict with Europeans in 1500s over hunting

7 How did they adapt to geography? Problems with Geography?
Sioux Geography How did they adapt to geography? Problems with Geography?

8 The Mound Builders-(Hopewells/Mississippians)
-Inhabited areas along the Mississippi River -Built burial mounds for their important leader -Mounds were built to resemble the shape of animals -In Cahokia, Illinois the Mississippians built a city with 30,000 inhabitants -By 1700, these civilizations disappear

9 Were the Hopewells an advanced civilization?

10 Native Americans of North America
Mostly hunters and gatherers Had no form of writing Populations were generally small Will come into conflict with Europeans

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