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A Warning Against Legalism

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1 A Warning Against Legalism
Colossians 2:16-23

2 Billington Translation
Do not let anyone judge you in eating or in drinking or in participation in festivals or new moons or Sabbaths, These are a shadow of the future, but the thing itself is Christ.

3 Billington Translation
Let no-one condemn you, delighting in humility and worship of angels, detailing things he has not seen, puffing himself up without cause by his fleshly mind, And not holding fast to the head, from whom the whole body – supported and united by the ligaments and tendons – grows with the growth of God. Showing grace

4 Billington Translation
If you died with Christ from the basic components of the world, why do you live in the world as obligated? “Do not handle. Do not touch. Do not taste.” (regarding things that are all destroyed when consumed), according to the commandments and teaching of men, Showing grace

5 Billington Translation
Which have the appearance of wisdom in self made religion, and humility, and severely treating the body, but they are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh. Showing grace

6 A Definition of Legalism
Trying to hold somebody else to a particular, often personal standard The standard is often based on a distortion of a Biblical concept Sabbath Circumcision Worship of angels Asceticism

7 A Definition of Legalism
Can a standard based on the Bible still be personal? Romans 14:5 “One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind.”

8 Characteristics of Legalism
Focused on judgment “Do not let anyone judge you” Focused on rules Dietary laws Clean and unclean Which days to worship Probably referring to Judiazers

9 Characteristics of Legalism
Issue settled with Peter in Acts 10 And by the Jerusalem church in Acts 15 Focused on denigration “Let no-one condemn you” Because they want you to behave like they do Asceticism Worship of angels

10 Characteristics of Legalism
Clinton Arnold (Colossians Syncretism) notes the importance of invoking angels as a means to ward off evil in the ancient world in general and the geographic region of Colossae in particular. Paul would be characterizing this calling on angels for protection as tantamount to the worship of angels. Lying about their spiritual experiences Focused on self (material) “puffing himself up without cause by his fleshly mind” Not focused on Jesus Christ

11 The Problem of Legalism
Doesn’t really help us Focuses on the outward May make you feel good May make you look good to some But “are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh”

12 Legalism Today Some believe you must…
Worship on a particular day Read a certain version of the Bible Obey certain dietary laws Engage in certain spiritual experiences Baptism Tongues Believe certain theological systems Pray in other names/to other people

13 The Solution for Legalism
A right understanding of the law “These are a shadow of the future, but the substance is Christ.” Gal 3:24 “So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith.”

14 The Solution for Legalism
Douglas Moo’s guiding principles for understanding the Old Testament: OT laws repeated in the NT are binding Law is a witness to the fulfillment of God’s plan in Jesus OT law reveals eternal principles to be considered

15 The Solution for Legalism
A right relationship with Jesus Christ “hold fast to the head” “And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.” It is only when we have a right relationship with - and understanding of - Jesus Christ that we can have a right relationship with others in the church and grow together Col 1:18

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