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Figurative Language.

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1 Figurative Language

2 Sometimes writers use figurative language to create vivid descriptions
Sometimes writers use figurative language to create vivid descriptions. With figurative language, words or phrases do not mean exactly, or literally, what they say. Instead, they suggest comparisons, unlikely actions, or exaggerations that make the reader take notice.

3 Simile A simile is a comparison of two unlike things using the words like or as. I’m as hungry as a bear! The brothers fought like cats and dogs. The luggage was as heavy as lead. He runs as fast as a cheetah. Dad slept like a log after working all day. The workers in the factory are as busy as bees.

4 Hyperbole A hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration used to compare two things to make a point. "I've told you a million times!" I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. She has a ton of homework tonight. Our cat Jinx rules the entire household.

5 Alliteration Alliteration is when two or more words begin with the same initial sound in a line of text. Janie read a book by the babbling brook. The crowd cheered when the champion hit the challenger with a chair. Grass grows greener in the graveyard. Most monsters don’t mind making messes.

6 Metaphor A metaphor is a statement comparing two unlike things without using the words like or as. It often uses the word is instead. His handshake is a vice grip. The class is a three-ring circus. Life is a highway. My stomach is a bottomless pit. Charlie was a walking encyclopedia. My picture looks great. Yours stinks!

7 Personification Personification is when you give human qualities, feelings, or actions to non-living objects. The china danced on the shelves during the earthquake. The printer spit out fifty copies. That chocolate cake is calling my name. Goldfish - The snack that smiles back.

8 Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates a sound. Onomatopoeia Thump Zip
Boom Crash Woof Chirp

9 Oxymoron On oxymoron is two words that mean the opposite but are used together in a sentence to describe something. Jumbo shrimp Awfully good Pretty ugly Same difference Big baby Walking dead Short wait

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