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Cell Analogy.

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1 Cell Analogy

2 Task Your group (2 or 3 students) will come up with an analogy for the cell of your choice (plant or animal) and 8 of its organelles. Your analogy will be represented in the form of a story & a chart.

3 Procedures: 1. As a group, come up with an idea for your analogy and then write your story. 2. Create a table comparing 8 organelles of your choosing (from your chart) to the different parts of your analogy. Example: Organelle Function Explanation of Analogy Lysosomes Get rid of waste and defend cell from invading bacteria and viruses. Garbage cans in an amusement park are similar to lysosomes because that is where waste is deposited.

4 Grade – 28 points Due Monday!
Analogy Story (8 underlined words = 8 points) Each underlined word must pair up correctly with an organelle You will record the correct answers to the underlined words under your story Ex. You underlined the word garbage cans so at the bottom of your story, you will write: garbage cans = lysosomes (think of it like a key) Chart (2 points per organelle = 16 points total) Organelle function (1 point) How that organelle relates to your analogy (1 point) 4 points additional for creativity, neatness & effort

5 What will be turned in by each group?
1 chart and 1 story with an answer key

6 Rubric Cell Analogy Project Name: _________________
Name: _________________ Chart:______________/16 Story: _____________/8 Creativity, Neatness & Effort: ___________________/4 Total: ______________/28

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