cFS Workshop Program Management

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1 cFS Workshop Program Management
Kaidy, James T. (MSFC-EV41)[ESSCA] Kaidy, James T. (MSFC-EV41)[ESSCA] core Flight System Workshop Southwest Research Center December 3, 2018 David McComas – NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

2 Agenda Program Management Product Management
Overview Product Model Product Management Framework Goddard Components 2019 Technical Focus Areas Multicore Processors Electronic Data Sheets / cFS Command Data Dictionary Simulink Interface Layer / External Code Interface Training Presentation Template Goals 2018 Accomplishments 2019 Plans Challenges Other products that other people will mention Program goal is to coordinate into a cohesive plan

3 cFS Program Overview (1 of 2)
Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Roles cFS Program Manager, David McComas cFS Lead Architect, Jonathan Wilmot cFS Platform Development Lead, Alan Cudmore cFS Framework Product Development Lead, Vacant Goddard cFS Component Development Lead, Beth Timmons cFS Test Lead, Walt Moleski GSFC cFS Projects Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean, Ecosystem (PACE) Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) It’s a federation No GSFC person is full time Frustratingly slow progress but we have made some good inroads You don’t see a help desk

4 cFS Program Overview (2 of 2)
Johnson Space Center (JSC) Advanced Exploration Systems Pioneers new approaches for rapidly developing prototype systems, demonstrating key capabilities, and validating operational concepts for future human missions beyond low-Earth orbit.  Software Lead, Tam Ngo Lunar Cargo Transportation and Landing by Soft Touchdown (CATALYST) In 2014 NASA competitively selected three partners to spur commercial cargo transportation capabilities to the surface of the Moon All three partners using the cFS NASA resources use to help partners must also benefit NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Flight Software Lead, Stefanie Justice NASA Configuration Control Board (CCB) Controls changes to the cFS Framework Active members from Ames Research Center, JSC, Glenn Research Center (GRC), GSFC, Langley Research Center (LaRC), MSFC It’s a federation

5 cFS Product Model NASA Website Public Website Component Supplier Components Applications Platforms Tools Community members (regardless of affiliation) Supply applications, platforms, and tools NASA configuration control board releases the open source cFS framework and publishes component specifications NASA Components Specifications Framework cFS Distributor Tools Apps Service Platform Distribution Create cFS distributions

6 NASA CCB Controlled cFS Framework
Component Scope Specification / Implementation Tools Documentation System Cmd & Tlm Database1 Make system EDS Architecture Design2 cFS Deployment Guide Device Plugin Developer’s Guide2,3 Application Sample Application SBN4 AppGen Ut-assert SIL4 App Developer’s Guide App Supplier Guide2,3 Executive cFE API cFE Implementation Unit tests Requirements Build Test3 cFE HTML User’s Guide Platform OSAL/PSP APIs Reference Implementations Linux, RTEMS,VxWorks Unit Tests Platform Developer & Supplier Guide2 1. Cmd & Tlm DB should be a standards-based specification. Assist DB is a reference implementation 2. Documents don’t exists yet 3. We need to define what compliance means, how determined, and who does it 4. Current tests are reference implementations. Need to migrate to open ground system to make useful for end users. So these need to be a deliverable? 5. Some apps/tools may be architectural and controlled/maintained by the NASA Framework team

7 cFS Distributions Name/Link Intended Audience Overview cFS Build
Initial cFS build for a developer or a project This repository contains the core Flight Executive and a number of submodules including OSAL, example “lab” applications, and mission ready applications. This distribution has been compiled/linked but has not been verified as an operational system. cFS Framework-101 cFS Framework training package This is a training tool for individuals to learn how to develop software with NASA-developed Core Flight software (CFS) framework. No agreement is necessary through this catalog. Software is available at open source site. NASA Operational Simulator for Small Satellites (NOS3) Initial cFS platform for a project NOS3 provides a complete cFS system designed to support satellite flight software development throughout the project life cycle. It includes •42 Spacecraft dynamics and visualization, NASA GSFC • cFS – core Flight System, NASA GSFC • COSMOS – Ball Aerospace • ITC Common – Loggers and developer tools, NASA IV&V ITC • NOS Engine – Middleware bus simulator, NASA IV&V ITC OpenSatKit (OSK) cFS training platform for new cFS developers Initial cFS platform for a project OSK provides a complete cFS system to simplify the cFS learning curve, cFS deployment, and application development. The kit combines three open source tools to achieve these goals: • cFS – core Flight System, NASA GSFC • COSMOS – command and control platform for embedded systems, Ball Aerospace • 42 dynamic simulator, NASA GSFC

8 State of the CCB (1 of 3) Some operational procedures documented but no official charter No documented membership rules and decisions are by consensus Weekly meetings scheduled Reality is a bi-weekly average Members Perform all duties, beyond a typical CCB Technical steering committee, vet tickets, code development, code inspection, etc. Funded by local projects Goddard chair and Ames CM manager left cFS team on 12/1/18 Jonathan (primary) and Dave serving as acting chair Chris Knight, ARC took over CM duties

9 State of the CCB (2 of 3) Code and Trac ticket system hosted on Ames babelfish server Ames provides admin support New “internal” tickets submitted directly by NDC/babelish account holders New “external” tickets typical originate from s (community list or personal) Core flight Executive (cFE) 6.6 Tagged on 12/1/18 Available to government projects Goddard legal team required new open source release submission Pursuing license change from NOSA to Apache 2.0

10 State of the CCB (3 of 3) cFE 6.7 Additional FY19 CCB/framework goals
CCB reconvened 5/1/18 Dispositioned outstanding cFE tickets to either 6.7 or deferred Tickets assigned to available developers, not all tickets covered Integrate Symmetric Multi-Processing changes Mature Electronic Data Sheets toolchain to the point it can be reviewed for inclusion into the Framework No target release date set Additional FY19 CCB/framework goals Define platform release model and verification strategy What is tested where and by whom? Improve community engagement Create external ticket submission mechanism and community communication Publish roadmap, enhance website, provide some support Improve training and architecture documentation

11 Goddard Component Development
Lead: Beth Timmons FY19 Goals Transition GSFC apps to GSFC CM & organize outstanding tickets Prioritize and perform maintenance releases Start GSFC component CCB Create an inventory of GSFC components Prioritize and perform new community component releases Goddard customers and related efforts PACE/OCI, WFIRST/WFI, BITSE, Restore-L IRADs Small Satellite Program Office

12 Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP)
Lead: Alan Cudmore & Jonathan Wilmot FY19 Goals Add SMP to cFE 6.7 and OSAL 4.2.1a Improve platform porting and device plugin/integration model Goddard customers and related efforts Leverage PACE Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) SMP work done for GR712RC (dual-core LEON3FT SPARC V8 processor running VxWorks 6.9

13 Electronic Data Sheet Toolchain
Lead: Jonathan Wilmot & David McComas FY19 Goals Use a standards-based component interface definition (i.e. EDS) and toolchain as part of the cFS Framework Components are primarily, but not limit to, applications and hardware devices Improve system integration and interoperability Design scalable solution: Meet growing system complexity without negatively impacting single processor missions cFS Command and Data Dictionary (CCDD) could also be part of the solution Resources AES, Lunar CATALYST, PACE, WFIRST Publications “cFS EDS Implementation from NASA GRC” - 3/20/16, Joe Hickey “CCSDS Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services EDS” – 6/5/17, Jonathan Wilmot

14 Simulink Interface Layer (SIL)
Lead: Steve Lentine & David McComas Background The SIL allows unmodified code generated from Simulink models to be built as cFS apps External Code Interface (ECI) is a subset of the SIL that defines the cFS app interfaces Any external code that meets this interface can be integrated into a cFS app FY19 Goals Complete open source release of Goddard’s version of the SIL Document the ECI as a separate product Currently working with WFIRST FSW lead and 42 (dynamic simulator) author for possible use Goddard customers and related efforts PACE, WFIRST (42 enhancements) Moon Express, Lunar Pallet Lander

15 Training Lead: Vacant Current State FY19 Goals Resources
Publically available cFS training slides are a collection of design oriented slides FY19 Goals Create modular training packages targeted for different audiences Coordinate and publicize efforts to date JSC’s cFE 101 New modules developed under Lunar CATALYST with OpenSatKit-based exercises MSFC’s videos GSFC Code 587 Resources NASA Engineering and Safety Center's (NESC) may have funds

16 Splinter Meeting Discuss cFS Programmatic challenges
What should NASA’s role be? What’s an achievable business model that engages entire community? Etc. Wednesday at lunch in room (Across from elevator)

17 Backup Slides

18 cFS Contacts cFS Framework Development Lead cFS Program Manager
David McComas - NASA GSFC/Code 580 Software Engineering Division cFS Lead Architect Jonathan Wilmot - NASA GSFC/Code 582 Flight Software Branch cFS Platform Development Lead Alan Cudmore - NASA GSFC/Code 582 Flight Software Branch cFS Framework Development Lead Vacant Goddard cFS Component Development Lead Beth Timmons - NASA GSFC/Code 582 Flight Software Branch

19 Obtaining the cFS TODO

20 Product Model Components
Framework Defines specifications with reference implementations so user’s can develop framework compliant components: platform abstractions, applications, and tools Controlled and maintained by the NASA CCB Distributors Bundle the cFS Framework and components into functional systems and make them available as distributions Expect cFS market to create demand for distributions targeted for specific user communities Platform, Application, Tool, and Distributor Catalogs Catalogs identify available components and distributions Initially NASA would create/maintain a catalog of components using

21 cFS Product Model CCB transition from a board that collects and maintains assets to one that leads innovation by creating a framework that supports integration and distribution of community assets The cFS framework is not intended to be an operational system Intentionally minimalistic in scope Provide specifications with implementations so user’s can develop components (platform abstractions, apps, and tools) Only include tools that help user’s develop components for a cFS-based system Distributors package components into complete functional & operational systems called distributions The NASA cFS framework should facilitate any organization to take on the role of a distributor Platform abstractions, applications, and tools are configuration managed by the organization that owns them

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