Student Life Contracts 101 Office of Student Life.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Life Contracts 101 Office of Student Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Life Contracts 101 Office of Student Life

2 IMPORTANT REMINDER We do not sign contracts that do not use DePaul money Student organizations should NOT use the DePaul Performance or Vendor Agreements when DePaul money is not being exchanged

3 Contract Process for DePaul Vendor and Service Agreements

4 DePaul Performance and Vendor Agreements Contract submitted to Student Life –signed by the vendor –only 1 copy is needed (It can be faxed, scanned & e-mailed, or snail mailed. Original ink signatures are no longer required.) –must be submitted 21 days prior to event or service

5 DePaul Performance and Vendor Agreements Student Life logs contract and coordinates signatures –All contracts $0-$25,000 must signed by one of the Associate VPs of Student Affairs –All contracts >$25,000 must signed by VP Student Affairs Once signed, Student Life sends a copy to vendor and processes a copy for payment –Payment will be made to vendor 30 days from the date of the event or service IF the contract was turned in on time

6 Contract Process for External (Non-DePaul) Contracts

7 External (Non-DePaul) Contracts Contract submitted to Student Life –signed by the vendor –only 1 copy is needed (faxed, scanned/e-mailed, snail mail are all acceptable effective immediately, no original ink required) –21 days prior to event or service Contracts are given to the Business Coordinator

8 External Contracts of less than $2,500 –Contract Review Submission form sent to OGC by Business Coordinator –OGC reviews within 7-10 business days –All edits/legal comments will be sent to Business Coordinator and Liaison –Liaison is responsible for negotiating edits with vendor, once negotiated, liaison makes edits to contract document, gets initials and signature from vendor

9 –Once vendor has agreed to and initialed edits, contract is given to the Student Life, who will coordinate DePaul signatures and initials (final execution) –Payment will be made 30 days after the event or service date IF contract was submitted on time –Student Life will mail one copy to vendor and process the other for payment Process is complete!

10 External Contracts $2,500 or more –Business Coordinator submits requisition to Procurement –Procurement determines if additional legal review is required, if so it will be forwarded to Office of General Counsel –OGC reviews within 7-10 business days –All edits/legal comments will be sent to Business Coordinator and Liaison –Liaison is responsible for negotiating edits with vendor, once negotiated, liaison makes edits to contract document, gets initials and signature from vendor

11 –Once vendor has agreed to and initialed edits, contract is given to the Business Coordinator, who will coordinate DePaul signatures and initials (final execution) –Student Life will mail one copy to vendor and process the other for payment –Payment will be made within 30 days of event or service date IF contract was submitted on time Process is complete!

12 Student Organization Accountability

13 Contract Accountability Process Program Coordinator will send a letter to student organization primary contact and advisor/liaison First Offense- –Student organization attends Contracts 101 workshop –Workshop dates located on Student Life website –No contracts will be signed or processed for organization until Contracts 101 is attended

14 Contract Accountability Process Offense #2 –All Student Life resources are revoked for a period of 10 weeks (E.g. cannot request new SAF-B funding, no promo table usage, no flier approval/posting, no balloons, no sign making, no poster requests, no Pepsi requests, no participation in the Involvement Fair if it falls within the 10 week penalty period –50% of Student Organization executive board must attend a Contract 101 workshop

15 Contract Accountability Process Offense #3 –Loss of existing SAF-B funding –Cannot request new SAF-B funding for the remainder of the quarter in which the 3 rd offense occurred and the entire quarter that follows (E.g., offense occurs in April: no funding can be requested for the remainder of spring quarter and no funding can be requested for the fall quarter.) Program Coordinator will document and track offenses and communicate with student organizations

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