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Vocabulary Test September 14.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Test September 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Test September 14

2 luminous Definition- full of light Synonym-shining Antonym-murky

3 murky Definition- dark or gloomy Synonym- dreary Antonym-luminous

4 peruse Definition-read carefully Synonym-study Antonym-overlook

5 congregate Definition- come together Synonym-gather Antonym-separate

6 dread Definition- great fear Synonym- frightening Antonym-pleasing

7 develop Definition-to elaborate and expand on something

8 distinguish Definition-to set something apart from something else

9 draw Definition-to take out or pull out specific information

10 delineate Definition-to describe something carefully so that people can understand it

11 1.

12 2.

13 3.

14 4.

15 5.

16 6.

17 7.

18 8.

19 9.

20 Synonyms 1. study 2. gather 3. shining 4. frightening 5. dreary

21 Antonyms 1. separate 2. luminous 3. overlooked 4. pleasing 5. murky

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