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Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables

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1 Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables
2/5/2019 Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables Identifying the Difference 4 Categorical vs. Quantitative.ppt

2 How do the items on the left side compare with the items on the right?
Categorical Quantitative Favorite Color Hourly wage Sports Team Number of Siblings Subject in School Time spent studying Type of car you drive Shoe size Introduction to Statistics--Variables

3 Variables Come in 2 Varieties
Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables 2/5/2019 Variables Come in 2 Varieties Categorical (or __________) Quantitative (or __________) Categorical or Qualitative Quantitative or Numerical Introduction to Statistics--Variables 4 Categorical vs. Quantitative.ppt

4 Categorical Variables
Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables 2/5/2019 Categorical Variables Recorded usually with _______ Records which of several __________ an individual belongs to Count data in each ________, but you logically should not __________ it Can calculate ___________ distributions Includes all _________ questions Usually—best illustrated with a ________ _____________. Introduction to Statistics--Variables 4 Categorical vs. Quantitative.ppt

5 Quantitative Variables
Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables Quantitative Variables 2/5/2019 Possible responses are ___________ in nature Includes values for which it makes sense to do operations like _________ and ___________. Includes answers to _________________ questions Includes _______ Illustrated with graphs like __________, ____________, ____________, & _________. Introduction to Statistics--Variables 4 Categorical vs. Quantitative.ppt

6 Introduction to Statistics--Variables
FYI Just because you have a number, doesn't necessarily make it quantitative. For example: ___________ … all _______, but it doesn't make much sense to find the or _______ _________. *These are examples of __________ applied to __________________. Introduction to Statistics--Variables

7 Qualitative vs Quantitative Data
Overview: Qualitative vs Quantitative Data Qualitative Data Deals with descriptions. Data can be observed but not measured. Colors, textures, smells, tastes, appearance, beauty, etc. Qualitative → Quality Quantitative Data Deals with numbers. Data which can be measured. Length, height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature, humidity, sound levels, cost, members, ages, etc. Quantitative → Quantity

8 Categorical or Quantitative?
Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables 2/5/2019 Categorical or Quantitative? Length of a pen? Type of pen? Number of pens in box? Maker of pen? Flow of ink in ml/sec? Color of pen’s ink? Point size of pen? Subject of a book? Number of pages in the book? Area of each page of book? Number of letters on a page? Number of weeks on best seller list? Quant; continuous Categorical Quant, discrete Quant, continuous Introduction to Statistics--Variables 4 Categorical vs. Quantitative.ppt

9 Categorical or Quantitative?
Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables 2/5/2019 Categorical or Quantitative? Style of pants? Color of pants? Number of pairs of pants you own? # of pockets on pants? Size of pants? Maker of the pants? Length of inseam on the pants? Quant; continuous Categorical Quant, discrete Quant, continuous Introduction to Statistics--Variables 4 Categorical vs. Quantitative.ppt

10 Determine if each Variable is Categorical or Quantitative
State Region Population Males Females Alabama Alaska South West 15.6m 5.4m 8.3m 2.5m 7.2m 2.9m Arizona 10.2m 5.1m Look for Variable Names in Column Headings Variable = State = Variable = Region = Variable = Population = Variable = Males = Variable = Females = Categorical Quantitative Introduction to Statistics--Variables

11 Provide a Qualitative & Quantitative Description of the Image
Example 1: Oil Painting Qualitative data: Quantitative data:

12 Provide a Qualitative & Quantitative Description of the Image
Example 2: Latte Qualitative data: Quantitative data:

13 Provide a Qualitative & Quantitative Description of the Image
Example 3: Freshman Class Qualitative data: Quantitative data:

14 Make one qualitative observation about the picture above.
Explain why this is a qualitative observation. Make one quantitative observation about the picture above. Explain why this is a quantitative observation.

15 Make one qualitative observation about the picture above.
Explain why this is a qualitative observation. Make one quantitative observation about the picture above. Explain why this is a quantitative observation.

16 Variables Come in 2 Varieties
Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables 2/5/2019 Variables Come in 2 Varieties Categorical (or Qualitative) Quantitative (or Numerical) Categorical or Qualitative Quantitative or Numerical Introduction to Statistics--Variables 4 Categorical vs. Quantitative.ppt

17 Categorical Variables
Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables 2/5/2019 Categorical Variables Recorded usually with words Records which of several categories an individual belongs to Count data in each group, but you logically should not average it Can calculate percentage distributions Includes all yes/no questions Usually—best illustrated with a pie chart or bar graph. Introduction to Statistics--Variables 4 Categorical vs. Quantitative.ppt

18 Quantitative Variables
Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables Quantitative Variables 2/5/2019 Possible responses are numerical in nature Includes values for which it makes sense to do operations like adding and averaging. Includes answers to how much/how many questions Includes units Illustrated with graphs like stem and leaf, box plots, histograms, & scatter plots. Introduction to Statistics--Variables 4 Categorical vs. Quantitative.ppt

19 2 Types of Quantitative Variables
Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables 2/5/2019 2 Types of Quantitative Variables Discrete If the Q variable is a set of isolated points on the number line, we call it this (i.e., it’s a number but it only comes in certain values) Continuous If the Q variable forms an entire interval along the number line, we call it this (i.e., it’s a number & it can be any value). Discrete Continuous Introduction to Statistics--Variables 4 Categorical vs. Quantitative.ppt

20 Introduction to Statistics--Variables
FYI Just because you have a number, doesn't necessarily make it quantitative. For example: zip codes phone numbers bank-accounts … all numeric, but it doesn't make much sense to find the average phone number or median zip-code. *These are examples of numbers applied to categorical data. Introduction to Statistics--Variables

21 Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables
2/5/2019 Categorical or Quantitative If Categorical, one possible category? If Quantitative, Continuous or Discrete? Length of a pen? Type of pen? Number of pens in box? Maker of pen? Flow of ink in ml/sec? Color of pen’s ink? Quantitative, Continuous Categorical Quantitative, Discrete Quant; continuous Categorical Quant, discrete Quant, continuous Introduction to Statistics--Variables 4 Categorical vs. Quantitative.ppt

22 Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables
2/5/2019 Categorical or Quantitative If Categorical, one possible category? If Quantitative, Continuous or Discrete? Subject of a book? Number of pages in the book? Area of each page of book? Number of letters on a page? Number of weeks on best seller list? Categorical Quantitative, Discrete Quantitative, Continuous Quant; continuous Categorical Quant, discrete Quant, continuous Introduction to Statistics--Variables 4 Categorical vs. Quantitative.ppt

23 Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables
2/5/2019 Categorical or Quantitative If Categorical, one possible category? If Quantitative, Continuous or Discrete? Categorical Quantitative, Discrete Quantitative, Continuous Style of pants? Color of pants? Number of pairs of pants you own? # of pockets on pants? Size of pants? Maker of the pants? Length of inseam on the pants? Quant; continuous Categorical Quant, discrete Quant, continuous Introduction to Statistics--Variables 4 Categorical vs. Quantitative.ppt

24 Provide a Qualitative & Quantitative Description of the Image
Example 1: Oil Painting Qualitative data: (Possible responses) *red/green color, gold frame *smells old and musty *texture shows brush strokes of oil paint *peaceful scene of the country *masterful brush strokes Quantitative data: *picture is 10" by 14” with frame 14" by 18” * weighs 8.5 pounds surface area of painting is 140 sq. in. *cost $300

25 Provide a Qualitative & Quantitative Description of the Image
Example 2: Latte Qualitative data: (Possible responses) *robust aroma *frothy appearance * strong taste *glass cup Quantitative data: *12 ounces of latte *serving temperature 1500 F. *serving cup 7 inches in height *cost $4.95

26 Provide a Qualitative & Quantitative Description of the Image
Example 3: Freshman Class Qualitative data: (Possible responses) *friendly demeanors *civic minded *environmentalists *positive school spirit Quantitative data: *672 students *394 girls, 278 boys *68% on honor roll *150 students accelerated in mathematics

27 Make one qualitative observation about the picture above.
Explain why this is a qualitative observation. Make one quantitative observation about the picture above. Explain why this is a quantitative observation.

28 Make one qualitative observation about the picture above.
Explain why this is a qualitative observation. Make one quantitative observation about the picture above. Explain why this is a quantitative observation.

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