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Are you qualified? A study of Titus 1:5-9

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1 Are you qualified? A study of Titus 1:5-9
All Scriptures quoted are from the New Kings James Version

2 Paul’s charge to Titus (vs. 5)
“I left you in Crete…” 1. Ancient Minoan Civilization 2. Oldest Greek Civilization & most modern 3. Island famous for its wine 4. Known for trickery, drunkenness & lewd behavior

3 Paul’s charge to Titus (vs. 5)
“Set in order the things that are lacking…” -2 Peter 1:3…all things pertaining to life and godliness -Not just congregational organization

4 Paul’s charge to Titus (vs. 5)
Titus was to appoint elders… -Appoint means to set them in charge of a task. -This was Titus’ responsibility as a preacher of the Word of God.

5 Titus to appoint blameless (Vs. 6)
“The husband of one wife” -This eliminates polygamy -This eliminates the single -This eliminates the divorced -This eliminates the widowed -This is a qualification, not an evaluation of who is pleasing in the eyes of God.

6 Titus to appoint blameless (Vs. 6)
“Having faithful children” -faithful children are those who are Christians -Romans 10:17 -consider, Colossians 1:2 & 2 Tim. 2:2 -These are not lost children or fallen away children.

7 If a man cannot demonstrate the godly leadership or rule in his own home then he is not fit to be an elder in the eyes of God.

8 Paul qualifies a blameless man (vss. 7-9)
Steward of God Not self willed Not quick tempered Not given to wine Not violent Not greedy for money

9 Paul qualifies a blameless man (vss. 7-9)
Is hospitable Does love what is good Is sober minded Is Just Is Holy Is self controlled Holds fast to the faithful word

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