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Franklin Roosevelt.

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1 Franklin Roosevelt

2 Franklin Roosevelt - Franklin Roosevelt enjoyed the presidency as much as anyone … - Franklin Roosevelt’s political philosophy … - Roosevelt’s Optimism … - Fireside Chats …

3 Banking Reform - Securities Act of 1933 - Emergency Relief Banking Act
- 4-day bank “holiday” - Federal inspection of industry - Securities Act of 1933 - Securities and Exchange Commission - Complete transparency on stock values - SEC to regulate stock market Glass-Steagall Act (1933) - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - FDIC guarantees banking deposits, very important!!! - Separates commercial & investment banks - Leaving the Gold Standard

4 Franklin Roosevelt - “First 100 Days” …
- “New Deal” speech at 1932 Democratic National Convention … - “First 100 Days” …

5 New Deal Goals

6 Relief Programs - Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)
- Employed men aged 18 to 25 * Building roads and water reservoirs * Developing parks and trails * Planted trees - $30 a month, $25 to be sent home - More than 3 billion trees were planted across the Great Plains to prevent another Dust Bowl

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