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Transition to JHCP Class of 2022

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1 Transition to JHCP Class of 2022
Devon Herrick- Principal Natalie Garfield- Assistant Principal Vanessa Puentes Hernandez- Assistant Principal Diana Lopez, Resource Coordinator

2 What to expect at JHCP? Objectives:
Parents will learn about the culture of JHCP Parents will learn about systems of supports at JHCP Parents will receive information on how to guide new high school students through the learning environment

3 Block Schedule

4 AC LAB The mission of Academic Lab is to promote student growth and achievement while enhancing the academic experience for all students. Students check in with their academic lab teacher and create a plan for how they will use 80 flexible minutes. Students also check out with this teacher for attendance purposes. This happens during every “B” day. These are some ways students use their time: Meet with teachers to get extra support Complete group projects Study individually or with a group Apply for college, jobs, or scholarships Meet with counselors Take a brain break

5 Standard Based Grading
SBG more accurately captures a student’s level of performance on the standards and skills included in the curriculum Course Grades Standards Category 60-70% Performance Category 20-40% Exam Category (optional) 10% Standards Category up to 3 opportunities for students to show mastery of a particular skill (e.g. supporting your argument with evidence); a common grading scale that assesses a student’s skill level on a 100 point scale, with a minimum score of 50. Performance Category includes participation, classwork, homework, etc.

6 Standard Based Grading
M O D E L Standard Based Grading Key Points Standards grades are not based on effort and turning in work, but whether a student shows understanding and mastery of a target skill (e.g. solving a linear equation) In some cases, a Standards grade will have more than one entry - in that case, the grades will usually be averaged to produce a final grade for that skill There are some differences from class to class, so it is important to communicate with the teacher, especially if you are unclear on how grades are being entered and calculated Students still receive credit for their participation, work ethic, etc. Needs some further revision

7 B’s or better - High School GPA is the Best Predictor of College Success

8 Counseling Department Support
Mission: The counseling team will provide a comprehensive, multicultural counseling program addressing the academic, social/emotional and career development of all students. The counselors will collaborate with all Hancock stakeholders in order to prepare all students for college and post-secondary endeavors. Counseling Caseload by Division: Mr. Samaniego Ms. Ayesh Mr. Sanchez Services & Supports aligned with the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) standards —Academic, Career, and Social/Emotional development College & Career Coach: Mr. Martinez-Caballero

9 Roadmap to Post-Secondary success..

10 CPS Graduation Requirements
Credit Requirements: Total of 24 Credits to graduate from CPS Areas of Content include: English Math Science Fine Arts World Language Physical Education Non credit requirements: Service Learning Hours/Projects Consumer Education Test U.S. Constitution (Students take a total of 28 credits)

11 Parent points of connection
Parent Portal JHCP website Google Classroom Remind 101 Robo calls Newsletter JHCP Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat) LSC, PAC, BAC Back2School BBQ, Report card pick up, Curriculum Night, etc.

12 Community Partners Academic and social emotional support
Empowerment and identity After-school Programs WOW BAM After-school Programs More information will be presented on Tuesday, July 24th

13 Culture & Climate Supports/Attendance
Attendance Goal 93.5% Update chart

14 Tiered Attendance System
Tier 1 - Recognition and Incentives Privileges may include: Hancock dollars, off campus lunch, dances etc. Tier 2 - Attendance Interventions Students are connected with attendance supports and interventions Tier 3 - Intensive Attendance Interventions Students are connected with intense internal and external attendance supports and other needed interventions.

15 Thank you.. JHCP Welcomes You!!

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