ODU UAV TEAM 2013 John Plank, Ethan Pratt, Michael Midkiff Kenneth Jermstad and Ignacio Santos Proudly Present: Advisor: Dr. Drew Landman.

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Presentation on theme: "ODU UAV TEAM 2013 John Plank, Ethan Pratt, Michael Midkiff Kenneth Jermstad and Ignacio Santos Proudly Present: Advisor: Dr. Drew Landman."— Presentation transcript:

1 ODU UAV TEAM 2013 John Plank, Ethan Pratt, Michael Midkiff Kenneth Jermstad and Ignacio Santos Proudly Present: Advisor: Dr. Drew Landman

2 Project Overview : The UAV project was formed because of the lack of senior projects that dealt exclusively with Aeronautics engineering Goals of the Project: To design, build and fly a UAV that could be assembled from a suitcase

3 Calculate in-flight parameters to analyze performance. Lift coefficient. Induced drag coefficient. X, Y, Z coordinates of leading edge, chord length, airfoil. Mass and inertia breakdown. AVL and Tornado programs

4 Maximum Range Gliding FlightPowered Flight

5 Maximum Endurance Gliding FlightPowered Flight

6 Autopilot System Ardupilot Mega 2.5 3 Flight Modes Manual Stabilize Circle

7 Stabilize Mode in Simulation http://dasp.mem.odu.edu:8080/~uav_sp13/Simulati on.wmv http://dasp.mem.odu.edu:8080/~uav_sp13/Simulati on.wmv

8 ArduPilot Setup Diagram 7.4V LiPo Battery Power Module ESC Brushless Motor ArduPilot Mega 2.5 Receiver Servo GPS

9 First Test Flights: On April 13 several attempts to get the Bixler to fly autonomously end unsuccessfully when the Bixler suddenly darts out of control and crashes

10 Success: On April 20 a major project goal is accomplished as the Bixler achieves autonomous flight

11 Flight Video http://dasp.mem.odu.edu:8080/~uav_sp13/fli ght.wmv http://dasp.mem.odu.edu:8080/~uav_sp13/fli ght.wmv

12 Dihedral wingPolyhedral wing Higher Stability Design Stabilizing Stable Higher lift Principle Wing configuration

13 Designed dimensions Final wing 51.5 cm 44.25 cm 10˚ Wing dimensions

14 -Foam -Fiber glass -Plywood -Steel rod -10˚ -SD-7037 -High lift, gliding Wing construction

15 Pod Design Revolved NACA 0018 Airfoil Chord: 500mm

16 Machining the Pod Cut on Lathe with increments every 1/16

17 Machining the Pod

18 Pod Cavities Cavities for electrical components – Carved using wood tools – Carved using Dremel

19 Pod Cavities Laser Cut Motor Mount Hand Tapped HolesBoom Mount Cavities for Electrical Components

20 Tail Design 12 Span Tail15 Span Tail 19 Span Tail Stable Boom Length 4 up to 234 up to 15 1 up to 9 Stability estimated using tail volume coefficient (C h ) Stable range: 0.3 < C h < 0.6 Decided to reduce span to 15

21 Skills Acquired Lathe cutting Woodcarving Hot wire cutting Fiberglass coating Soldering AVL Tornado X-Plane RC Setup 3D Modeling

22 Gantt Chart

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