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Eukaryotic Cell Structure

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1 Eukaryotic Cell Structure

2 Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Organelles are membrane-bound structures in eukaryotic cells Each organelle has a function Boundaries Assembly and storage Energy production Support and movement

3 Cell boundaries Plasma membrane – a flexible boundary that allows some materials, like water and nutrients, into the cell and lets waste leave Cell wall – a rigid structure outside the plasma membrane that gives support and protection, found in plants, fungi and bacteria Made of cellulose

4 Cell boundaries Plasma membrane Cell wall

5 Cell boundaries Nuclear envelope – surrounds nucleus
Nucleus – contains chromatin, strands of DNA, the instructions for making proteins that are needed for the cell to function Nucleolus – an organelle within the nucleus that makes ribosomes Cytoplasm – clear fluid inside a cell

6 Cell boundaries Nuclear envelope Nucleus Nucleolus Cytoplasm

7 Assembly and storage Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) – site of chemical reactions, makes lipids Ribosomes – attach to ER, form rough ER makes proteins Golgi apparatus – takes proteins and packages them for delivery

8 Assembly and storage Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ribosomes
Golgi apparatus

9 Assembly and storage Vacuoles – spaces for temporary storage of food, enzymes, waste Lysosomes – contain digestive enzymes, digest worn out organelles, food, bacteria

10 Assembly and storage Vacuoles Lysosomes

11 Boundaries Plasma membrane Cell wall Nuclear envelope Nucleus Nucleolus Cytoplasm Assembly and storage Endoplasmic reticulum Ribosomes Golgi apparatus Vacuoles Lysosomes

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