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Priority Maintenance Scheme: Guidelines for Governors

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1 Priority Maintenance Scheme: Guidelines for Governors
Buildings update Priority Maintenance Scheme: Guidelines for Governors The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education

2 Priority Maintenance Scheme
The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

3 Priority Maintenance Scheme
Shared pot & pooled resource It’s finite Underspend is rolled over We monitor for overspend and sometimes forward fund The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

4 Priority Maintenance Scheme
What’s it for? Ensures that governors’ 10% liability on maintenance schemes funded through LCVAP and DFC grant is met in full Our advice on legal issues, contractual matters and valuations Our work to claim grant-aid from the DFE/ESFA on behalf of the governors and manage the process of payments and receipts Our advice service The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

5 Priority Maintenance Scheme
Revenue repair works are: Day to day repairs carried out as needs arise. These include for example replacement glazing or light tubes, where the cost of these works is less than £2,000. This is a threshold below which any expenditure is not considered to be capital and should not be met from capital budgets. This ‘de minimis’ level also applies to the purchase of ICT equipment. The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

6 Priority Maintenance Scheme
What counts as capital works? More than £2000 Maintenance of existing elements of a building H&S – asbestos & water safety works Reasonable adjustments for pupils with disabilities (not portable equipment) The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

7 Priority Maintenance Scheme
What capital works aren’t covered? ‘New elements’ (New building features that weren’t there before) Don’t address statutory H&S issues General accessibility improvements, unless they are specifically for a pupil on roll The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

8 Priority Maintenance Scheme
Looking to the future New guidelines will be issued after Easter…to include helpful examples SDBE to set-up a trustee reference group to monitor spend and consider marginal cases End of year report will be sent to schools A scheme for MAT schools will be established in parallel – details TBC The SDBE - Developing Church of England Education

9 DfE / ESFA Condition Data Collection
The SDBE - Supporting Christian Education

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