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CSC 482/582: Computer Security

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1 CSC 482/582: Computer Security
Hash Functions CSC 482/582: Computer Security

2 Topics Hash Functions Applications of Hash Functions
Secure Hash Functions Collision Attacks Pre-Image Attacks Current Hash Functions HMAC: Keyed Hash Functions CSC 482/582: Computer Security

3 Hash Functions Hash Function h: MH
Input M: variable length message M Output H: fixed length hash or “Message Digest” of input Many inputs produce same output (called a hash collision) Limited number of outputs; infinite number of inputs Avalanche effect: small input change -> big output change Example Hash Function Sum 32-bit words of message mod 232 M h MD=h(M) Any length Fixed length (32 bits) CSC 482/582: Computer Security

4 Applications of Hash Functions
Verifying file integrity How do you know that a file you downloaded was not corrupted during download? Storing passwords (confidentiality) To avoid compromise of all passwords by an attacker who has gained admin access, store hash of passwords. Additional features needed for secure passwords. Digital signatures (authentication) Cryptographic verification that data was downloaded from the intended source and not modified. Used for operating system patches and packages. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

5 Why attack hash functions?
Create forged security certificate to Make phishing site appear legitimate. Bypass code signing checks on updates. Distribute malware Replace legitimate app with malware app. Ensure both apps have legitimate hash value, so victims cannot distinguish between them. Forge digital signatures Replace contract where victim pays $50 to attacker with one where victim pays $5,000. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

6 Flame Malware Cyber espionage tool discovered in 2012
Records audio, screenshots, bluetooth, and file data. Exfiltrates data via SSL encrypted channel. Bypassed code signing security in MS Windows Used hash collision to create a certificate apparently signed by Microsoft Certificate Authority. Malware digitally signed with forged certificate. Code signing accepted that malware was valid as certificate apparently signed by MS CA. Attack could be used as MITM attack on MS Update Attacker substitutes Windows patch with malware. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

7 Avalanche Effect The avalanche effect is shown when a small change to the input of a block cipher or hash function makes a large change in the output. Hashing “Cryptography”: MD5 (128-bit) = 64ef07ce3e4b420c334227eecb3b3f4c SHA1 (160-bit) = b804ec5a0d83d19d8db908572f d09f98 Hashing “Cryptography1”: MD5 (128-bit) = 443d4fb1fedeb86b c2719c24 SHA1 (160-bit) = e a64c523ddfe11bd07a5eac CSC 482/582: Computer Security

8 Hashes are One-Way Functions
Hash Function h: MH Input M: variable length message M. Output H: short, fixed length hash value. The message M is also called the preimage of H. Hash functions are one-way functions. There are an unlimited number of inputs M. There are a finite set of outputs H. Example: hash function with 256-bit output. Let us limit messages to 1024 bits. There are possible inputs and 2256 possible outputs. On average, there are 2768 preimages for each hash value. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

9 Secure Hash Function A function h = hash(m) must have 3 properties to be secure: Pre-image resistance: Given a hash h it should be difficult to find any message m such that h = hash(m). Functions that lack this property are vulnerable to pre-image attacks. Second pre-image resistance: Given an input m1 it should be difficult to find another input m2 such that m1 ≠ m2 and hash(m1) = hash(m2). Functions that lack this property are vulnerable to second-preimage attacks. Collision resistance: It should be difficult to find two different messages m1 and m2 such that hash(m1) = hash(m2). Such a pair is called a cryptographic hash collision. This property is sometimes referred to as strong collision resistance. It requires a hash value at least twice as long as that required for preimage-resistance; otherwise collisions may be found by a birthday attack. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

10 First-Preimage Resistance
For a secure hash function, the optimal preimage search algorithm is find-preimage(H) { repeat { M = random_message() if Hash(M) == H then return M } This takes on average 2n attempts. If n >= 128, this is practically impossible. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

11 Second-Preimage Resistance
For a secure hash function, the optimal second-preimage search algorithm is solve-second-preimage(M) { H = Hash(M) return solve-preimage(H) } This also takes on average 2n attempts. If n >= 128, this is practically impossible. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

12 Collision Attacks A collision attack attempts to find two different messages m1 and m2 such that hash(m1) = hash(m2). Collisions must exist because there are more inputs than fixed-sized outputs for hash functions. Pigeonhole principle: if there are n containers for n+1 objects, then at least 1 container will have 2 objects in it. Collision attacks do not impact password hashing, but do allow for forged certificates and signatures. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

13 The Birthday Paradox The birthday paradox concerns the probability that, in a set of n randomly chosen people, some pair of them will have the same birthday. By the pigeonhole principle, the probability reaches 100% when the number of people reaches 367. However, 99% probability is reached with just 57 people, and 50% probability with 23 people. The birthday paradox is a violation of our intuition, not a true paradox. It arises because the chance of shared birthdays increases with the number of unique pairs of people, which is n(n-1)/2 for n people. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

14 Birthday Attack A birthday attack exploits the mathematics behind the birthday problem to find hash collisions. Suppose a hash function h has a b-bit long output. Therefore there are 2b possible hash values. Attacker generates many random messages Computes hash of each one. Searches for pairs of messages with same hash value. By similar mathematics as in the birthday problem, attacker can find a collision with about 2b/2 messages. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

15 Birthday Attack Analysis
The birthday attack procedure follows these steps: Randomly generate a sequence of plaintexts X1, X2, X3,… For each Xi compute yi = h(Xi) and test whether yi = yj for some j < i Stop as soon as a collision has been found If there are m possible hash values, the probability that the ith plaintext does not collide with any of the previous i – 1 plaintexts is 1 - (i - 1)/m The probability Fk that the attack fails (no collisions) after k plaintexts is Fk = (1 - 1/m) (1 - 2/m) (1 - 3/m) … (1 - (k - 1)/m) Using the standard approximation 1 - x  e-x Fk  e-(1/m + 2/m + 3/m + … + (k-1)/m) = e-k(k-1)/2m The attack succeeds/fails with probability ½ when Fk = ½ , that is, e-k(k-1)/2m = ½ k  1.17 m½ We conclude that a hash function with b-bit values provides ~b/2 bits of security. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

16 Merkle–Damgård construction
Select a cryptographic hash function f(m, d). Apply repeatedly to fixed size blocks of message mi. Use output of previous stage di as second input. Start with initialization vector d0 = IV CSC 482/582: Computer Security

17 Length Extension Attacks
Let M and N be messages, such that M is the set of blocks m1 through mk N is the set of blocks m1 through mk+1 That is, N is M with the addition of block mk+1 Merkle–Damgård construction means h(M), the hash of message M, is also The intermediate value after k blocks in computing h(N) How could this be harmful? What if messages authenticated using h(X || M) X is a secret known to only Alice and Bob, but still Eve can create message N and compute h(X || N). CSC 482/582: Computer Security

18 Chosen Prefix Attacks A collision attack on Merkle–Damgård hashes, in which Attacker begins with two different prefixes p1, p2 Attempts to find two suffixes m1 and m2 such that hash(p1 ∥ m1) = hash(p2 ∥ m2). Such an attack allows custom creation of two completely different documents with identical hashes. Example attack Attacker creates two SSL certificate files for two different domains but with identical hashes. Attacker asks CA to sign certificate for one domain. Attacker creates phishing site for other domain. User browser successfully validates phishing site certificate, since digital signature is valid for both domains. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

19 Message-Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5)
Developed by Ron Rivest in 1991 Uses 128-bit hash values Merkle–Damgård construction Still widely used in legacy applications even though collision vulnerabilities allow forgery of digital signatures and SSL certificates. Attacks can find collisions in seconds on a PC. Best attack only requires 218 attempts. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

20 MD5 Collision Attack History
Initial attacks (2004) could only find collisions in files that differed only in last few bytes. Early attacks (2008) used cluster of 200 PS3s for a couple of days. Current attacks can find a collision in seconds on single PC. Lesson: Cryptanalytic attacks always improve. Change algorithms before they do. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

21 Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1)
Developed by NSA; approved as federal std by NIST SHA-0 (1993) and SHA-1 (1995) 160-bit hash values Merkle–Damgård construction SHA-1 developed to correct insecurity of SHA-0 SHA-1 certificates deprecated by browsers in 2017 Google found first SHA-1 collision in Feb 2017. Required 6610 years of GPU computation. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

22 SHA-2 Developed by NSA; approved as federal std by NIST SHA-2 (2001)
224, 256, 384, or 512-bit hash values Merkle–Damgård construction Current recommended hash function for security applications like digital signatures or SSL certificates. Cryptanalysts making progress but no breaks Can only find collisions if modify hash algorithm by reducing number of rounds from 80 (SHA-512) to 46 or 64 (SHA-256) to 41. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

23 SHA-3 Winner of open NIST competition (2007-2012) SHA-3 (2012)
Final standard released in August 2015. SHA-3 (2012) 224, 256, 384, or 512-bit hash values Keccak was winning algorithm out of field of 64. An alternative to SHA-2 Not a replacement as SHA-2 is not broken. Built on sponge-function instead of Merkle–Damgård construction like MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2 so that the same cryptanalytic techniques will not work against SHA-3. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

24 Argon2 Winner of Password Hashing Competition (2013-2015) Argon2
Competition hosted by cryptographers, not NIST. Goal: hash function for password storage that is slow on CPUs, GPUs (unlike scrypt), and FPGAs (unlike bcrypt) and that is resistant to lookup table attacks. Argon2 Scalable time and memory requirements. Built-in 128-bit nonce protects against lookup table attacks. Configurable output size (128 bit is default.) CSC 482/582: Computer Security

25 HMAC A keyed hash message authentication code (HMAC) is the use of a hash function for calculating a message authentication code (MAC) based on a message in combination with a secret cryptographic key. HMAC protects against threat models in which attackers have the ability to modify hash values. If attacker could modify data, then he could change both the file and its hash value, causing the victim to think that the file was downloaded correctly when in fact the attacker substituted a different file. This threat model allows an attack on hashes without finding a collision or pre-image. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

26 Why not use h(k ∥ m) as HMAC?
Length extension attacks on Merkle–Damgård construction hashes allow attacker to append data s to end of message m and create a valid HMAC for m ∥ s. Most widely used hashes vulnerable to this attack MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512 CSC 482/582: Computer Security

27 HMAC Algorithm HMAC-h(k, m) = h(k  opad || h(k  ipad || m))
k is the secret key m is the message h is a hash function like SHA-2 ipad (inner padding) is repeated. opad (outer padding) is repeated. Threat can’t generate HMAC for any message m without knowing key k. Algorithm prevents length extension attacks. Commonly used to protect authentication cookies. CSC 482/582: Computer Security

28 Key Points Hashes are 1-way functions h=hash(m) that
Produce same sized h for any input m. Avalanche effect: small change in m  big change in h. Secure hash functions must be resistant to attacks Collision attacks Pre-image attacks Attacks allow threats to forge certificates & signatures. Widely used hash functions MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3 Current state of hash function security Some widely used hashes (MD5,SHA-1) broken. Use SHA-2 with 256 or more bits now. Keyed hash functions cannot be computed by attacker HMAC-h(k, m) = h(k´  opad || h(k´  ipad || m)) CSC 482/582: Computer Security

29 References Jean-Philippe Aumasson. Serious Cryptography: A Practical Introduction to Modern Encryption. No Starch Press Matt Bishop, Introduction to Computer Security, Addison-Wesley, 2005. Steven Friedl, “An Illustrated Guide to Cryptographic Hashes,” Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot and Scott A. Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, 1996. NIST, FIPS-198a, “The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC)”, Rogaway, P.; Shrimpton, T. "Cryptographic Hash-Function Basics: Definitions, Implications, and Separations for Preimage Resistance, Second-Preimage Resistance, and Collision Resistance.” Fast Software Encryption (2004) (Springer-Verlag). Alexander Sotirov et. Al., MD5 considered harmful today: Creating a rogue CA certificate, December 30, 2008. Peter Selinger, MD5 Collision Demo, Joe Wetzels, Open Sesame: The Password Hashing Competition and Argon2, CSC 482/582: Computer Security

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