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Space Vehicles.

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Presentation on theme: "Space Vehicles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Vehicles

2 SPACE PROBE An instrument that travels far into the solar system, gathers data and sends it back to Earth. There is no crew.

3 SATELLITE A man-made object launched into space to orbit Earth and gain information

4 SPACE STATION A large facility with equipment and support systems for humans to live and conduct research not possible on Earth.

5 SPACE SHUTTLE A reusable aircraft that can carry cargo, astronauts and satellites to and from space

6 ROCKET A missile that launches objects into space and can work in space to deliver satellites.

7 The Cold War The Cold War was not actually a war. It was a simply a great tension that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union. It happened for several decades after World War II from the years 1945 through the early 1980’s. The main source of the conflict and tension between these two countries was rooted in the United State’s distrust of communism, the Soviet Union’s form of government.

8 The Cold War When communism ended in the Soviet Union , the Cold War ended as well. The Soviet Union dissolved itself leaving independent nations, the largest of which is Russia.

9 The Beginning of NASA NASA was founded in 1958, one year after the Soviets launched Sputnik 1, the world’s first artificial satellite. During this period, the U.S. and the former Soviet Union had been engaged in the Cold War. American’s saw Soviet advances in this “space race” as a dangerous technological gap between the two nations.

10 The Beginning of NASA Throughout its history, NASA has made many achievements, but perhaps it is best known for its history of human spaceflights. Since NASA began, there have been seven major manned space programs, each with its own unique set of missions.

11 US Manned Space Programs

12 Major Manned Missions Project Mercury Project Gemini Apollo Project
Skylab Apollo-Soyuz Project Space Shuttle International Space Station

13 Project Mercury Summary: 1st US program for human spaceflight
Objective: to put a human in orbit around Earth Years: Astronauts: Glenn, Grissom, Schirra, Shepard (There were a total of 7 astronauts that flew 7 missions)

14 Project Gemini Project Gemini
Summary: 1st 2-man crews; longer missions Objective: test human endurance in spaceflight; docking with another vehicle; first spacewalks Years: Astronauts: Grissom, Schirra, Lovell, Armstrong, Aldrin (There was a total of 13 astronauts the flew on 10 missions)

15 Apollo Program Summary: 1st spacecraft to land on the moon
Objective: to land a man on the moon Years: Astronauts: Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins There was a total of 30 astronauts that flew 11 missions.

16 Skylab Summary: 1st place for humans to live in space for long periods of time Objective: first space station Years: Astronauts: Conrad, Bean, Carr (There were 9 total astronauts that flew on 3 missions)

17 Apollo-Soyuz Project Summary: 1st joint US/Soviet spaceflight
Objective: to test compatibility of docking systems between 2 countries Years: Astronauts: 3 Americans and Russians

18 Space Shuttle Missions
Summary: 1st reusable spacecraft Objective: launching satellites and probes; conducting research; construction of International Space Station (ISS) Years: Astronauts: launches

19 International Space Station
Summary: permanent orbiting laboratory Objective: uninterrupted human presence in space Years: Astronauts: unknown at this time.

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