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The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Content Vocabulary

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1 The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Content Vocabulary
Week 14 Vocabulary The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Content Vocabulary

2 Disquietude Noun the state of disquiet; uneasiness.
Synonyms: agitation, anxiety I might have fallen without a struggle for my life had not a sudden disquietude seized upon me and made me turn my head.

3 Perplexed Adjective 1. bewildered; puzzled: a perplexed state of mind.
2. complicated; involved; entangled. Synonyms: difficult, troubling, confusing Her strange response perplexed me.

4 Protégé Noun a person under the patronage, protection, or care of someone interested in his or her career or welfare. Synonyms: student, apprentice The protégé of Dr. Johnson, earned much prestige under his tutelage.

5 Juggernaut Noun 1. any large, overpowering, destructive force or object, as war, a giant battleship, or a powerful football team. 2. anything requiring blind devotion or cruel sacrifice. The juggernaut trampled over the children in the playground, they were severely hurt.

6 Coquetry Noun the behavior or arts of a coquette; flirtation.
Synonyms: dallying, flirting Southern belles were known to practice their coquetry on their fathers and brothers before they went to balls.

7 Indignation Noun strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base; righteous anger. Synonyms: resentment, exasperation My indignation towards the government has increased based on the state of our economy today.

8 Troglodytic [trog-luh-dit-ik]
Adjective 1. a person of degraded, primitive, or brutal character. 2. a person living in seclusion. 3. a person unacquainted with affairs of the world. Synonym: recluse The troglodytic man only surfaced once a year, he was a true recluse!

9 Quailed Verb to lose heart or courage in difficulty or danger; shrink with fear. Synonyms: shudder, tremble, cringe I quailed at the sound of lightening and thunder during the storm.

10 Pedant Noun 1. a person who makes an excessive or inappropriate display of learning. 2. a person who adheres rigidly to book knowledge without regard to common sense. Synonym: know-it-all The young professor was obviously a pedant since he keep interrupting me to point out my imperfect pronunciation.

11 Unobtrusive Adjective
not obtrusive; inconspicuous, unassertive, or reticent. The unobtrusive man moved quickly away from the raucous crowd with its shouts of joy at the soccer team's victory.

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