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Presentation on theme: "Protists!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protists!!

2 Welcome  Bienvenidos 
What is the difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph? Think of two examples of autotrophs and two examples of heterotrophs. What is the difference between single-celled and multicellular organisms? Give me three examples of single-celled organisms!

3 Inside of every drop of pond water…

4 The mysterious lives of pond creatures!!
Stand up if you see a creature you recognize!

5 Get their energy from eating other organisms
Heterotroph Get their energy from eating other organisms Ex. Humans, animals Autotroph: Get their energy from the sun Ex. Plants, protists

6 Organisms made of many cells Ex. Humans, animals
Single-celled Organisms made of 1 cell. Ex. Bacteria, protists Multi-cellular Organisms made of many cells Ex. Humans, animals

7 Asexual Reproduction:
1 parent to reproduce – dividing, replicating, etc. Sexual Reproduction: 2 parents – combining egg and sperm.


9 ALL PROTISTS are… EUKARYOTIC Which means they have a NUCLEUS!!!

10 Amoeba (Blob Shape Shifters)
Lives… Ponds, dead and decaying organisms Heterotroph Locomotion: use PSUEDOPODS (false feet) Reproduces…Asexual Reproduction

11 Amoeba Single-celled or multicellular? Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic?
Gets rid of waste with a Contractile Vacuole Single-celled or multicellular? Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic? Special Features? Shape-shifter!

12 Paramecium Lives… Ponds, freshwater Heterotroph
Lives… Ponds, freshwater Heterotroph Locomotion: Moves using CILIA – tiny hairs Reproduces asexual reproduction

13 Paramecium Single-celled or multicellular? Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic?
Gets rid of waste with a Contractile Vacuole Single-celled or multicellular? Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic? Special Features? Two Nucleus’s The most complex!

14 Euglena Lives…Ponds, freshwater Autotroph AND heterotroph
Lives…Ponds, freshwater Autotroph AND heterotroph Locomotion: Moves with flagella (tail) Reproduces…Asexual Reproduction

15 Euglena Single-celled or multicellular? Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic?
Gets rid of waste with a Contractile Vacuole Single-celled or multicellular? Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic? Special Features? BOTH autotroph and heterotroph

16 Volvox Ponds, freshwater Autotroph
Ponds, freshwater Autotroph Locomotion: Moves with 2 flagella (tails) Reproduces: Asexual AND sexual Reproduction

17 Volvox Single-celled or multicellular? Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic?
DOES NOT NEED TO GET RID OF WASTE Single-celled or multicellular? Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic? Special Features? Lives in colonies (large numbers)

18 Spot that Protist!

19 Spot that Protist!

20 Spot that Protist!

21 Spot that Protist!

22 Exit Ticket 1. Which of the four protists moves with pseudopods (false feet)? 2. Which two protists move using flagella? 3. Which protists are autotrophs? (2) 4. Which protists are heterotrophs? (3) 5. Which protists are single-celled? 6. Which protists are multicellular?

23 Brain POP Protists Pause and discuss Do Quiz together

24 Review of our four protists 
Amoebas Paramecium Volvox Euglena

25 Paramecium – the most complex!
Turn to your paramecium page…what do we know about paramecium? (moving crazy fast) (eating yeast)

26 Amoebas – the blob monsters, the shape shifters
Turn to your Ameoba page…what do we know about Ameobas? Brain eating Amoba…

27 Volvox – the dancers! Turn to your volvox page…what do we know about volvox? (flagella movement)

28 Euglena – the solar powered wonder!
Turn to your Euglena page…what do we know about Euglenas? (flagella movement)

29 Brain Pop Protozoa Discuss Paramecium and Amoebas

30 What is a protist?
(quick review – pause and discuss)

31 Extremophiles

32 Gallery of Protists
Ameobas, paramecium, euglena, volvox and tardigrades!

33 Tardigrade meets a paramecium

34 The toughest extremophile – Tardigrades

35 Virtual Pond Dip


37 SLIME MOLD (2 minutes)

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