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Blood Pressure.

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1 Blood Pressure

2 Blood Pressure Systolic- to contract Diastolic- to dialate
Refers to ventricles 120 systolic / 80 Diastolic Normal 72 beats/min X 70 ml/beat 5040 ml/min=5 L/min Exercise 120 beats/min X 200 ml/beat 24,000 ml/min=24 L/min

3 Systole Isometric Contraction – Contraction of the ventricle causes A-V valves to close and pressure to build in heart. Ejection – Ventricular pressure exceeds the pressure in the pulmonary trunk and aorta and the semilunar valves open to expel the blood. At around 80mm Hg pressure aortic SLV opens and goes up to 120mm Hg. At end of systole ventricular volume dropw because the heart runs out of blood.

4 Diastole 1.Back flow of blood closes semilunar valves.
Isometric Relaxations 1.Back flow of blood closes semilunar valves. 2.Pressure drops and AV values open 3.Blood rushes into ventricles from atria. 4.Cardiac Reserve- difference between cardiac output at rest and exercise.

5 Blood Pressure Procedure
Center the bladder over the Brachial Artery just medial to the biceps tendon. Apply snugly and securely Check the palpatory systolic pressure first Inflate to 20 to 30 mm Hg above the palpatory systolic Place bell of stethoscope over the brachial artery Deflate the cuff slowly (2 to 3 mm Hg per sec.) and note the points where the following occurs: Two consecutive beats are heard typically crisps sounding (indicates systolic pressure)…recorded as auscultatory systolic pressure A muffling of the pulse sounds recorded as mid-diastolic point. The point at which the sounds begin to fade away. The sound disappears- (indicates peripheral resistance of arteries)…recorded as end-diastolic pressure. ob54w

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