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_______These growing feathers plucked from Caesar’s wings.

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Presentation on theme: "_______These growing feathers plucked from Caesar’s wings."— Presentation transcript:

1 _______These growing feathers plucked from Caesar’s wings.
_______Tell me not in mournful numbers. _______He can go like a cow. He can go MOO MOO. _______And the sound of a voice that is still. _______My father can read big words, too _______That I may rise and stand o'erthrow me and bent _______Amazing grace how sweet the sound. _______Lord what fools these mortals be. _______If you would put the key inside the lock. _______You have brains in your head.

2 Unlocking Shakespeare: Meter The Bard and Hip Hop
now this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there I'll tell you how I become the master of the work of Shakespeare

3 Today Focus Questions Goals How is Shakespeare’s use of meter similar to hip-hop and rap music? How is Iambic Pentameter useful? What are the similarities between Hip Hop and Shakespeare? How do I scan for meter? (review) Determine which lines are hip hop and Shakespeare To watch a TED-X talk about the power of Iambic Pentameter To explore how Hip Hop and Shakespeare are similar To practice scanning for meter.

4 Warm-Up Read each set of lines and determine if it is Shakespeare or Hip-Hop To destroy the beauty from which one came   Maybe its hatred I spew, maybe its food for the spirit. Men would rather use their broken weapons than their bare hands. I was not born under a rhyming planet   The most benevolent king communicates through your dreams.   Socrates, philosophies, and hypothesis can’t define me.

5 Akala: TED-X Talks In this video, Akala will discuss: the origins of Hip-Hop, Shakespeare’s Meter, and the connection between the two. The questions go in order of the video. LISTEN! This jolly fellow has a wee bit of an accent, so you’ll have to pay attention to understand everything.

6 How do I Compare Thee to Hip- Hop?
Fill in the boxes with 3 other characteristics Shakespeare and Hip-Hop have in common.

7 Eminem-ic Pentameter Look at the following lyrics from Eminem’s “Lose Yourself”. Scan the poem for the meter and write the correct mark above the syllables (U or /).

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