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Profesiones de la Escuela / School Professions

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1 Profesiones de la Escuela / School Professions
escrito por Señora Bennett

2 Essential Question: ¿Quién es? Who is it? Es… It’s…
We will have our Profesiones de la Escuela Oral Quiz the week of December 5th, 2011. Please, have your child practice for just 5 minutes every night the following phrases and vocabulary.

3 Essential Question: ¿Quién es? Who is it? Es… It’s…
el maestro la maestra (the male teacher) (the female teacher)

4 Essential Question: ¿Quién es? Who is it? Es… It’s…
la bibliotecaria / la bee blee oh te ka ree ah / the librarian

5 Essential Question: ¿Quién es? Who is it? Es… It’s…
la enfermera / la en fer meh ra / the nurse

6 Essential Question: ¿Quién es? Who is it? Es… It’s…
la directora / la dee rec to rah / the principal

7 Essential Question: ¿Quién es? Who is it? Es… It’s…
la secretaria the secretary

8 Essential Question: ¿Quién es? Who is it? Es… It’s…
la portera / la por teh rah / the custodian

9 Essential Question: ¿Quién es? Who is it? Es… It’s…
We will have our Profesiones de la Escuela Oral Quiz the week of December 5th, 2011.

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