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These are all the review questions from our 5 exams.

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1 These are all the review questions from our 5 exams.
Semester Exam Review These are all the review questions from our 5 exams.

2 Before using a bunsen burner, be safe by making sure your…
Hair is tied back; ID badge is not dangling, etc.

3 What piece of measurement equipment have we used that does not require you to estimate a digit?
electronic balance

4 What must be on file for all chemicals in the stockroom?
MSDS – material safety data sheet

5 What is this piece of equipment called?
Erlenmeyer flask

6 Which of these numbers has the most significant figures. 8. 020 E -5
Which of these numbers has the most significant figures? E , x 106 8.020 E (4 SF)

7 Perform the following calculation and express your answer to the proper number of significant figures: mL mL 97.1 mL (round to tenths place)

8 Perform the following calculation and express your answer to the proper number of significant figures: g / 27.01mL 0.548 g/mL (3 S.F.)

9 Perform the following calculation and express your answer to the proper number of significant figures: cm x cm x cm 15.8 cm3

10 Convert 12.5 g into ounces (1 ounce = 28.35 g)

11 Which of the following units would be used to express a density. cm2
Which of the following units would be used to express a density? cm2 g/m kg/mL L Kg/mL (mass/volume)

12 Iron has a density of 7. 87 g/mL. What would the volume of a 3
Iron has a density of 7.87 g/mL. What would the volume of a 3.0 g piece of iron be? 0.38 mL

13 Change this number to scientific notation: 7000 g
7 E 3 g or x 103 g (1 S.F.)

14 What volume in mL would you record from this graduated cylinder?
mL (5 S.F.)

15 Perform the following calculation and express your answer to the proper number of significant figures: E -5 g / E -8 mL 4.5 x 102 g/mL or g/mL

16 Name 1 extensive physical property
Mass, length, volume, etc.

17 Which of these properties could be used to identify an unknown substance? Length density weight volume Density (an intensive property)

18 All pure substances must be either an _______ or a _______
Element or compound

19 A mixture of sand and salt could be separated using their differences in ______

20 A mixture of water and alcohol could be separated using this technique

21 A mixture of sand and water could be separated using this technique

22 What is the frequency of light with a wavelength of 560. nm?
5.36 E 14 Hz

23 Calculate the energy of a photon with a frequency of 7.35 E 8 Hz
4.87 E -25 J

24 Which of the following photons has the highest frequency? l=700 nm l=3.5 E -7 nm n=8.2 E 14 Hz

25 Which of the following photons has the least energy. l=700 nm. l=3
Which of the following photons has the least energy? l=700 nm l=3.5 E -7 nm n=8.2 E 14 Hz l=700 nm

26 Which of the following photons would be visible. l=275 nm. l=645 nm
Which of the following photons would be visible? l=275 nm l=645 nm l=3.2 E -11 m l=645 nm (between 400 and 700 nm)

27 Calculate the energy of a photon with a wavelength of 4.72 E -6 m
4.21 E -20 J

28 Which scientist is credited with discovering the nucleus?

29 Which scientist studied experiments with light to describe the orbits (or energy levels) where electrons exist Bohr

30 Which scientist proved the existence of subatomic particles?
Thomson (discovery of negatively charged patrticles)

31 The existence of _________ disproved Dalton’s theory that all atoms of an element were identical.

32 Set up your white board like this # protons. # neutrons
Set up your white board like this # protons # neutrons # electrons For the following atoms or ions, give the numbers of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

33 a neutral atom of manganese with a mass number of 55
25, 30, 25

34 argon-41 18, 23, 18

35 a potassium-39 cation with a +1 charge
19, 20, 18

36 A neutral atom of beryllium with a mass number of 9
4, 5, 4

37 A +1 potassium cation with a mass number of 39
19, 20, 18

38 platinum-194 78, 116, 78

39 hydrogen-3 1, 2, 1

40 a -3 anion of arsenic-75 33, 42, 36

41 88Sr2+ 38 38, 50, 36

42 Write the electron configuration for the element potassium

43 Write the electron configuration for the element titanium

44 Write the noble gas configuration for the element rubidium

45 Write the orbital notation for the element carbon
↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ 1s s p

46 What element is in group 6 of period 4?

47 What element in period 4 makes an ion with a -2 charge?

48 What element has 4 valence electrons in the 2nd energy level?

49 What halogen is located in period 4?

50 What charge would the ion of an alkaline earth metal have?

51 A group on the periodic table contains the most reactive metals
A group on the periodic table contains the most reactive metals. How many valence electrons do these elements have? 1 (alkali metals)

52 Hg - 5 energy levels of shielding
Which of the following elements experiences the most shielding? aluminum mercury antimony rubidium Hg - 5 energy levels of shielding

53 Which of the following elements would have the smallest atomic radius
Which of the following elements would have the smallest atomic radius? As Ag Cr K As

54 ___________ is the tendency of an element to attract shared electrons in a covalent bond.

55 Which of the following elements would have the lowest ionization energy? Rb Sr Na Li

56 Which of the following elements would have the highest ionization energy? K Ca As Kr

57 Which of the following elements has the lowest electronegativity. Si
Which of the following elements has the lowest electronegativity? Si Sr Br O Sr

58 Which of these elements would make a covalent bond with nitrogen. Al
Which of these elements would make a covalent bond with nitrogen? Al Mg Ba C C

59 Which of these elements would make an ionic bond with chlorine. O. F
Which of these elements would make an ionic bond with chlorine? O F Li Xe Li

60 Polyatomics: Charges PO4-3 PO3-3 BO3-3 AsO4-3 SO4-2 SO3-2 CO3-2 CrO4-2
NO3-1 NO2-1 ClO3-1 ClO2-1 BrO3-1 OH-1 CH3COO-1 HCO3-1 CN-1 NH4+1

61 Polyatomics: How many oxygens?
BO3 CO3 NO3 PO4 SO4 ClO3 CrO4 AsO4 BrO3 4 oxygens 5 ions don’t follow this: Cyanide CN-1 Hydroxide OH-1 Bicarbonate HCO3-1 Acetate CH3COO-1 Ammonium NH4+1 3 oxygens These are the formulas for the ions with –ate” endings. With one less oxygen, they would be “-ite” ions.

62 Write the formula for the only polyatomic anion below: ammonium
Write the formula for the only polyatomic anion below: ammonium bicarbonate sulfide bromide HCO3-

63 What polyatomic ion is this: NO2-

64 What polyatomic ion is this: SO4-2

65 What polyatomic ion is this: OH-

66 Write the formula for ammonium chloride

67 Write the formula for sodium chromate

68 Write the formula for calcium cyanide

69 What is the name of this chemical: SrO
Strontium oxide

70 What is the name of this chemical: Al(BrO3)3
Aluminum bromate

71 What is the name of this chemical: Fe(ClO3)3
Iron (III) chlorate

72 Write the formula for trinitrogen monoxide

73 Write the formula for carbonic acid

74 Write the formula for propane

75 Write the formula for cyclohexane

76 Lewis Structures and Geometries
* On central atom only Fill out NASL consider ion charge with A Choose central atom never H, always C if present, otherwise whichever element is furthest from Fluorine) Bond atoms to central atom using shared electrons (2 electrons per bond) if it seems like there are too many shared, make double or triple bonds if more shared needed, borrow from lone Fill in lone pairs so every atom has its octet central atom can have more than an octet Geometry Bonded atoms* Lone pairs* Linear 2 Bent Trigonal Planar 3 Trigonal Pyramidal 1 Tetrahedral 4 See-saw Trigonal Bipyramidal 5 Octahedral 6

77 Draw the correct Lewis dot structure for CH2O

78 Draw the correct Lewis dot structure for CH2O

79 What geometry can you predict for this molecule (CH2O) ?
Trigonal Planar (3 bonded atoms, 0 lone pairs)

80 Draw the correct Lewis dot structure for SCl2

81 What geometry can you predict for this molecule (SCl2) ?
Bent (2 bonded atoms, 2 lone pairs)

82 What geometry can you predict for a molecule with 6 atoms bonded to a central atom and no lone pairs present on the central atom? octahedral

83 What type of bond exists between chlorine (EN = 3
What type of bond exists between chlorine (EN = 3.0) and bromine (EN = 2.8) Non-polar covalent

84 If a substance is liquid at room temperature, what types of bonds do you expect hold it together? (ionic, covalent, or metallic) Covalent bonds

85 If a substance dissolves in water and makes a solution that conducts electricity, what types of bonds do you expect hold it together? Ionic bonds

86 Write the formula for aluminum bromide

87 Write the formula for calcium chlorate

88 Write the formula for sulfuric acid

89 Write the formula for iron (III) carbonate

90 Which of the following is soluble in water? MgCrO4 AgCrO4 Rb2CrO4

91 Which of the following is soluble in water. Strontium oxide
Which of the following is soluble in water? Strontium oxide iron (II) chloride barium carbonate lead (II) iodide Iron (II) chloride

92 Which of the following is soluble in water? CaSO4 NiClO3 Cu3BO3

93 Which of the following is soluble in water. Magnesium cyanide
Which of the following is soluble in water? Magnesium cyanide zinc chromate calcium phosphide gold (I) acetate Gold (I) acetate

94 What precipitate would form from a reaction of silver nitrate with magnesium sulfate?
Silver sulfate

95 What precipitate would form from this reaction? CaCl2 + NaBrO3

96 What type of reaction is represented below
What type of reaction is represented below? Element + compound  element + compound Single replacement

97 What gas will be produced if sulfuric acid reacts with magnesium metal?
Hydrogen gas

98 What gas will be produced if potassium chloride reacts with oxygen gas?
Chlorine gas (Cl2)

99 What set of coefficients will balance this equation
What set of coefficients will balance this equation? SrBr2 + Na2SO4  NaBr + SrSO4 1:1:2:1

100 What evidence would indicate that the following reaction occurred
What evidence would indicate that the following reaction occurred? 3 Ca(OH)2 (aq) + 2 H3PO4 (aq)  6 H2O (l) + 1 Ca3(PO4)2 (s) A precipitate

101 What evidence would indicate that the following reaction occurred
What evidence would indicate that the following reaction occurred? HNO3 (aq) + Fe (s)  H2(g) + Fe(NO3)3 (aq) Gas bubbles

102 Which of the following metals would you likely find pure (not bonded to another element)? sodium nickel lithium calcium nickel

103 1 Li2CO3 (aq) + 1 Zn(CH3COO)2 (aq)  2 Li(CH3COO) (aq) + 1 ZnCO3 (s)
Write a balanced equation for the following reaction: aqueous lithium carbonate reacts with a zinc acetate solution 1 Li2CO3 (aq) + 1 Zn(CH3COO)2 (aq)  Li(CH3COO) (aq) + 1 ZnCO3 (s)

104 What is the molar mass of nitrogen gas?
28.02 g/mol

105 What is the molar mass of lithium chloride?
42.39 g/mol

106 What is the molar mass of ammonium hydroxide?
35.06 g/mol

107 Calculate the mass of 0.75 moles of sulfur
24 g Sulfur

108 How many atoms are in 1.25 moles of dysprosium?
7.53 x1023 atoms Dy

109 What is the mass of 2.4 x 1024 molecules of water?
72 g of H2O

110 What is % of carbon in propane?

111 What percent of zinc nitrate is oxygen?
50.7 %

112 What is the empirical formula for P4O10 ?

113 What is the empirical formula of the a compound with the following percent composition: **remember the rhyme** 43.0% Sr 25.5% Cr 31.4% O SrCrO4

114 The empirical formula for a cpmpound is CH2 and its molar mass is 98
The empirical formula for a cpmpound is CH2 and its molar mass is g/mol. What is the compound’s molecular formula? C7H14

115 The empirical formula for a cpmpound is CHBr and its molar mass is 278
The empirical formula for a cpmpound is CHBr and its molar mass is g/mol. What is the compound’s molecular formula? C3H3Br3

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