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Kingdom: Fungi.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdom: Fungi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdom: Fungi

2 Fungi is everywhere food basement air water

3 What is a fungus? Eukaryotic Unicellular or multicellular
Heterotrophic Cell wall with chitin

4 Movement & Support Cell wall with chitin Rhizoids Hyphae Mycelia

5 Digestion/Obtaining Nutrients
Heterotroph Decomposer, saprophyte Extracellular digestion Diffusion Digestive enzymes Parasite

6 Nervous/Response Nucleus Zygospores

7 Circulation Flow of cytoplasm

8 Gas Exchange Diffusion

9 Excretion Diffusion

10 Reproduction Asexual Sexual Budding Fragmentation Spores
When hyphae fuse to form zygote


12 Helpful Fungi Decomposers Food source Help make food

13 Penicillium

14 Yeast

15 Harmful Fungi Plant diseases Moldy food

16 Leading cause of infections of hair, skin and fingernails

17 Candida albicans --Becomes an infectious agent when there is some change in the body environment that allows it to grow out of control Often a result of taking antibiotics

18 Athlete’s foot

19 Cool / Weird

20 Want an orange ? Zygomycota does !!

21 Puff Balls

22 Shelf Fungi

23 Cup Fungi

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