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Gene Technology.

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1 Gene Technology

2 Cloning A clone is an organism or piece of genetic material that is genetically identical to one that was preexisting. Cloning occurs naturally when organisms reproduce asexually. The process of fertilization and embryo development in large animals is complex, making cloning them difficult.

3 Cloning “Dolly” the sheep was cloned in 1997 using a process called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) This process involves removing the nucleus of an egg cell and replacing it with the nucleus of an adult cell. This cell then develops into an embryo. Click on me!

4 Cloning Click on me! Despite progress in cloning techniques, there are still many problems. Cloned animals have shown shortened life spans, growing larger than normal, and have failed to develop normally with age. Because of these issues cloning humans is illegal in most countries.

5 Genetic Engineering Recombinant DNA Genetic engineering involves using enzymes to insert copies of a gene from one organism into another. DNA that has been recombined in this way is called recombinant DNA. Organisms with recombinant DNA are called transgenic, or recombinant, or genetically modified.

6 Genetic Engineering Creating organisms with recombinant DNA is widely used in agriculture and medicine. Agriculture – many genetically modified organisms (GMOs) such as corn and soybeans, can be found in everyday foods. Many food crops are engineered to be easier to grow or more nutritious.

7 Genetic Engineering Medicine – GMOs can be used to treat many genetic disorders where someone makes not enough or faulty proteins. The normal gene for a protein can be inserted into bacteria. The bacteria can then make large quantities of the protein for the patient’s use.

8 How am I used to solve crimes?
DNA Fingerprinting Each person’s DNA is unique. DNA “fingerprints” can be made by using restriction enzymes and gel electrophoresis to show unique patterns in an individual’s DNA. The southern blot process is a way to reveal a person’s DNA fingerprint. How am I used to solve crimes? Click on me to find out!

9 Gene Therapy Many genetic disorders are the result of a faulty gene resulting in a protein not being made or made incorrectly. A possible treatment for these diseases involves inserting a correct replacement gene into the person’s cells using a genetically engineered virus (called a vector). Gene therapy in humans is difficult because the human body has many protections against viruses and the DNA they carry.

10 Stem Cells A stem cell is a cell that can continuously divide and differentiate into different types of tissues. Embryonic stem cells can develop into almost any type of cell Adults also carry stem cells but they can develop into only a few types of cells Stems cells can potentially be used as a treatment to cure damaged or diseased cells in the human body

11 GOOD MORNING! Please put your GATTACA video sheet in the turn in bin!
Please grab one of the notes sheets off the front table. You can put this away for now, but you are going to need it later. Woof!

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