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College Help.

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1 College Help

2 Locking your keys in your room is a real thing, have a back up plan.

3 Don't use all your food credits at once.

4 Colleges make a lot of money off of Parking tickets and towings!

5 Keeping yourself busy will stop you from feeling homesick.

6 Keep your dorm room open when you are in there.
People love to stop by and visit!

7 Your student ID will come in handy when outside the classroom.
Students can get discounts at a lot of different places. Restaurants, Movie Theaters, Cell Phone Plans Get a fresh copy right before you graduate

8 Later classes are a blessing.
Give yourself time in the morning to wake up, shower, and make coffee before class.

9 Everyone is new, and everyone wants to make friends.
Don't be afraid to talk to the person next to you while you wait for a free dryer in the laundry room, or say hi when you walk by someone in your residence hall. Don’t leave your clothes unattended in the common laundry room. They will end up on the floor!

10 Save your money. You will be broke. Take advantage of deals around town!

11 Just because you can skip most of your classes and get the PowerPoint presentations or notes online, it doesn't mean that you should.

12 Find a balance between fun and work
Find a balance between fun and work. Grades are not everything, but they are still important. Trust us, it's possible (we didn't say that it was easy).

13 Register for your dorm early and don’t room with someone that you know from high school.

14 Work a part time job or work study!

15 Go to review sessions. Seriously, sometimes professors are essentially going over exactly what's on the test in these sessions. Why would you NOT go? Also, start study groups with other people from class. You make friends and it helps you get better grades.

16 If you have the opportunity, study or work abroad
If you have the opportunity, study or work abroad. A semester or year experiencing a different country and culture, away from everything you know is a great experience

17 Try and avoid the freshman 15
Try and avoid the freshman 15. The all-you-can-eat buffets are easy to fall prey to, but you'll be physically and mentally healthier if you find a way to add a fitness class to your schedule or take advantage of free access to university gyms.

18 Take advantage of anything free your school offers
Take advantage of anything free your school offers. Swag, free classes, free clubs, free food — take it all!

19 When you're working on a paper or project on the computer, press save — A LOT. Back everything up.

20 Don't miss out on the college experience by going home every weekend to see old friends, families, or significant others. It's great to maintain ties with people you love, but don't let it stop you from building a new life where you are.

21 Student Loans and Credit Cards can crush you.

22 Abide by campus rules. They will kick you out of dorms and orientation.

23 Never pay full price for text books.

24 Make yourself feel at home. Decorate and Love your dorm room!

25 Invest in a mattress topper.

26 Always make time to do the things you enjoy (and to relax).

27 You're going to run into someone on campus trying to sign you up for a credit card.

28 If you need some quick cash, sell your books
If you need some quick cash, sell your books. Check online before you sell them to the bookstore!

29 Make the move to meet your professors

30 As tempting as it is to skip those first few classes, don't! 

31 Don't be surprised when you look at your syllabus and see there are only a couple of tests and a paper. 

32 Check in with an academic advisor every so often to make sure you're on the right track.

33 You need flip flops for the shower

34 Go to Costco or Sam’s at the beginning of the semester after you meet your roommate and pick up some bulk supplies.

35 There are youtube tutorials for just about everything in the world!

36 Don’t forget to call home to talk to mom and dad and not just when you need money.

37 Come equipped with plenty of socks and underwear because you are going to hate doing your laundry in the dorms.


39 Don’t forget to sleep. Otherwise you’ll burn out, big time.

40 Wikipedia is not a credible source for paper writing
Wikipedia is not a credible source for paper writing. Use it as a jumping off point. There are real source articles generally at the bottom. Check those out and form your own opinions.

41 Research your degree before orientation
Research your degree before orientation. You probably already have AP Credits or Dual Enrollment credit that will replace courses the school has you registered for.

42 Use a Digital Calendar on your phone and set alerts for everything that you have to plan for.

43 Get well acquainted with recipes you can make using a microwave and a coffee maker.

44 Learn how to efficiently fold your clothes. Space will be limited.

45 Get Surge Protectors and Back up batteries.

46 Have a small tool kit in your dorm room.

47 Space Saving Hangers

48 Get fans for your dorm room and Dryer Sheets

49 Invest in true blackout curtains to sleep through the day!

50 Go to your college’s sporting events! Cheer hard.

51 Be Nice to you RA. It’s a tough job.

52 Sources:

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