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Intro. Sustainability Goals at Can Corp Reduction of Energy Reduction of materials used Higher Productivity-Engineered Less labor per thousand units Recycling.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro. Sustainability Goals at Can Corp Reduction of Energy Reduction of materials used Higher Productivity-Engineered Less labor per thousand units Recycling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro

2 Sustainability Goals at Can Corp Reduction of Energy Reduction of materials used Higher Productivity-Engineered Less labor per thousand units Recycling all Steel components Sustainability Goals

3 Facts about Food Cans All steel cans are recyclable All steel cans contain up to 25% recycled steel Recycling one ton of steel saves 80% of the CO2 emissions Recycling seven steel cans saves enough energy to power a 60 Watt light bulb for 26 hours Each household uses approx 600 Steel cans per year For every ton of Steel recycled Environmental Savings are: 1.5 Tons of iron Ore 0.5 Tons of Coal 40% of the water required to produce one ton 75% of the Energy needed to make Steel from virgin materials 1.28 tons of Solid Waste reduction of Air Emissions Facts about Food Cans

4 Metal cans remain the most recyclable packaging form Metal cans continue to be the most recycled form of packaging, far exceeding the recycling rates of glass and plastic. Only half of Americans feel paperboard is recyclable, and just one-third believe pouches can be recycled (57% and 33%, respectively). Metal cans are 100 % recyclable Sustained Concern Over Packaging Impact on the Environment Sustained Concern Over Packaging on the Environment

5 % Cans Recycled North American Steel Industry Recycling Commitment

6 GJ/ Ton of Crude Steel North American Steel Industry Energy Improvements North American Industry Energy Improvements

7 Kg per Tonne of Liquid Steel Number of Recycling Cycles at a 60% Rate North American Steel Industry Cumulated Avoided CO2 Emissions North American Steel Industry Cumulated Avoided C02 Emissions

8 Grams/Can Body North American Steel Can Industry Raw Material Efficiency

9 The most energy effective method for product delivery is canned-ready meals followed by bulk refrigerated products and fresh fruits & vegetables. Frozen products require about 70% more energy to bring the food from the farm to the table. North American Delivery System Energy Consumption Assessment

10 Can recycling versus Plastic HDPE

11 Scrap Reduction per Dollar of Sales Revenue

12 KWH Usage down 27% = Power to run 66 residential Homes

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