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1 Symbiotic Relationships Organisms interact with each other in many different ways
©Copyright 2016-all rights reserved. Organisms of the same and different species interact with one another in several ways. Photo credit: Hartebeest image: Filip Lachowski, (CC BY-SA 2.0) Pelican image: 25621, (CC0) Honey bee image: John Severns, (CC0)

2 Predation One organism consumes another organism GOOD for predator BAD for prey
©Copyright 2016-all rights reserved. Lion image: Pexels, (CC0) Spider image: Couleur, (CC0)

3 Parasitism One organism, the parasite, lives off of another organism, the host, harming it and possibly causing death. The parasite lives on or in the body of the host GOOD for parasite BAD for host ©Copyright 2016-all rights reserved. A Lithognathus fish are often parasitized by a Cymothoa exigua (tongue-eating louse) parasite. Cymothoa exigua image: Marco Vinci, (CC BY-SA 3.0)

4 Mutualism both organisms benefit from this type of relationship
©Copyright 2016-all rights reserved. The ox pecker is a bird that is often found around groups of herbivores. These birds eat the insect parasites, like ticks, off of the larger animals. Red-Billed Oxpecker on kudu image: Prosthetic Head (user), (CC BY-SA 4.0) Yellow-Billed Oxpecker image: Steve Garvie, (CC BY-SA 2.0)

5 Commensalism One organism benefits and the other is harmed GOOD for one organism NO EFFECT on the other ©Copyright 2016-all rights reserved. Barnacles are a kind of crustacean that cannot move on their own. As larvae, they stick to other organisms and are transported, allowing the barnacle to catch floating plankton and other food. The barnacle gets food and transportation, the animal (in this case a southern right whale) is not affected. Barnacles image: Michaël Catanzariti, (CC0)

6 Competition Organisms living in the same environment utilizing some of the same limited resources (food, water, space, light, oxygen, minerals, mates) ©Copyright 2016-all rights reserved. Plants of the same species and of different species compete for access to light in a forested environment. Bamboo forest image: oadtz, (CC0) Tree root image: ioa8320, (CC0)

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