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Kriya Sharir क्रिया शारीर Human Physiology

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Presentation on theme: "Kriya Sharir क्रिया शारीर Human Physiology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kriya Sharir क्रिया शारीर Human Physiology

2 Kriya Sharir क्रिया शारीर Human Physiology Question Board
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

3 मनका कुन कुन अवस्था हुन्छन्?
1. Question मनका कुन कुन अवस्था हुन्छन्?

4 ४ अवस्था- जागृत, सुशुप्त, स्वप्न, तुरिय
1. Answer ४ अवस्था- जागृत, सुशुप्त, स्वप्न, तुरिय Question Board

5 2. Question The neuron behaves like a small electrical battery.
Resting membrane potential is the potential difference between ECF and ICF. What is its approx value in nerve fibre?

6 2. Answer - 70 mV Question Board

7 3. Question ओजको गन्ध कस्तो हुन्छ ?

8 3. Answer लाजा समान Question Board

9 4. Question The pH of gastric juice is 1.2 – 2.0. It contains Na+, K+, H+, Cl-, pepsinogens, intrinsic factors, mucus etc. What is the volume of gastric juice secreted per day ?

10 4. Answer 1000 ml Question Board

11 साधक पित्तको स्थान कुन हो ?
5. Question साधक पित्तको स्थान कुन हो ?

12 5. Answer हृदय Question Board

13 6. Question O negative persons are called universal donors because their plasma contains both types of agglutinin in plasma, and lack Rhesus agglutinin in the plasma. In your emergency duty, patients with which blood group and rhesus can receive blood of any group?

14 6. Answer AB positive Question Board

15 7. Question वेदिनि त्वचाको मोटाइ प्रमाण कति हो? What is the thickness of Vedini layer of skin?

16 7. Answer 1/4 ब्रहि धान्य समान Question Board

17 8. Question Islets of Langerhns in the pancreas is concerned with endocrine function. Which cells secrete glucagon, insulin, and somatostatin?

18 Alpha: Glucagon Beta: Insulin Delta: Somatostatin
8. Answer Alpha: Glucagon Beta: Insulin Delta: Somatostatin Question Board

19 विशेष सम्प्राप्तीका भेद बताउनुहोस् ।
9. Question विशेष सम्प्राप्तीका भेद बताउनुहोस् ।

20 ६ वटा छन्- 9. Answer संख्या प्राधान्य विधी विकल्प बल काल
Question Board

21 10. Question Give the classification of reflexes based on the location of receptors which are involved in the reflex action.

22 3 types: Superficial Deep peripheral
10. Answer 3 types: Superficial Deep peripheral Question Board

23 रक्त धातुको प्रमाण कति हो, र मल के हो?
11. Question रक्त धातुको प्रमाण कति हो, र मल के हो?

24 प्रमाण- ८ अञ्जुलि मल- पित्त
11. Answer प्रमाण- ८ अञ्जुलि मल- पित्त Question Board

25 12. Question What is called the graphical relation between partial pressure of carbon dioxide and volume of carbon dioxide in 100 ml of blood ?

26 Carbon dioxide dissociation curve.
12. Answer Carbon dioxide dissociation curve. Question Board

27 निद्रा कति प्रकारको हुन्छ ?
13. Question निद्रा कति प्रकारको हुन्छ ?

28 13. Answer ७ (सात) Question Board

29 14. Question In which motor neuron will be the lesion if the muscle has hypertonia and Bebinski +ve.

30 Upper motor neuron lesion
14. Answer Upper motor neuron lesion Question Board

31 शरिरमा प्रीणन, पुष्टि गर्ने गर्ने काम कुन् धातुले गर्छ ?
15. Question शरिरमा प्रीणन, पुष्टि गर्ने गर्ने काम कुन् धातुले गर्छ ?

32 15. Answer रस धातु Question Board

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