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Jeremiah 1 The Call of God. Jeremiah 1 The Call of God.

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2 Jeremiah 1 The Call of God

3 Review + Lord promised judgment of Judah
+ Judah – all kings but Josiah ‘did evil in the sight of the Lord + Internationally – very turbulent times + Jeremiah – weeping, patriotic, prophet, last 40 years of Judah

4 I. God Calls Jeremiah 4-10 1st God has a plan 4,5 2nd God does not accept excuses 6,7a 3rd God’s call is a command 7b 4th God provides divine enablement 8 5th God cleanses and further enables 9 6th God has a purpose 10 7th God prepares him for what is ahead 17-19

5 II. God’s Calling Today The principles of God calling Jeremiah seem like they should apply to God calling men to ministry today Scripture does not give a ‘formula’ Jesus prayed and called the twelve Mt 4:21; Mk3:13 Jesus also called Paul Ro1:1; Ga 1:15 The Holy Spirit called Paul and Barnabas Ac13:2 What Paul says in 1Ti3:1ff, 6:12; 2 Timothy 1:6 seems to relate to calling General sense of those for ministry 1Ti3:1-7; 2Ti chapters 2-4 and Titus 1:5-9

6 III. God Calls People To Faith In Christ
Jesus calling sinners Mt 9:12-13 Jesus calling disciples to committed discipleship Mk 8:34 God calling men to faith Ac 2:21, 39 Ro 1:6,7; 8:28,30; 10:13,14; 11:29 Ga 1:6; 5:8 E 1:18; 4:1 Ph4:13 and many more…

7 Lessons For Us God’s calling of Jeremiah shows us seven important things about God and about people He uses. If you feel God calling you, the word of God should have a very prominent place in this call. God is watching to perform His word. 1:11,12 The words ‘I am with you’ should encourage you in whatever calling you have been called to. I do not see the calling of Jeremiah to be a prophet in any way present or needed in the 21st century. We have the complete Word of God. The use of the word prophet and prophecy in some churches today is very different than Jeremiah’s or other OT prophets prophetic ministry. Prophecy is not something a church schedules. New Testament prophets have a time limited scope. God is calling sinners to repent, believers to live lives separated from the world. What is God saying to you?

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